In economically stronger countries, RIA will be carried out in national
reference laboratories and used as the reference method to solve problems
generated by non-isotopic immunoassay. With the use of modular robotic
systems and improved antibody design for short incubation assays, RIA may be
modularly automated to reduce further operating costs. It is well suited to
nationwide targeted screening of congenital diseases and other disorders. This
can also be implemented in countries with low gross national products.
In more developed countries, the establishment of indigenous immuno-
diagnostics will become one of the essential components of a comprehensive
biotechnological strategic plan. Here RIA will play an important role in early
screening of hybridoma clones in the monoclonal antibody production process.
It will also be used to set up the first workable immunoassay methodology for
new analytes before they are thoroughly evaluated and marketed or
transformed into other commercial assay formats.
In the field of research, RIA will continue to be used as the gold standard
in the search for novel solid phase, cost effective methods of protein immobili
zation and cheaper high affinity binders to improve the overall minimal
detection limit of immunoassay. Being a reliable methodology, it is an ideal tool
for the development of consensus investigative protocols in evidence based
diagnostic medicine. The wealth of the knowledge base in RIA should be
systematically documented in the format of an interactive multimedia learning
resource for self-directed learning, thus further reducing the cost of training.
In the near future, the exact role of thousands of genes will be charac-
terized by the human genome project. Other bacterial, protozoan, helminthic,
viral and fungal genomes have already been, or will be, elucidated very soon.
The most important application of this variety of sequences will be in
diagnostics. Current diagnostic methods can be slow and relatively insensitive,
lack specificity, require invasive clinical samples and, moreover, fail to provide
quantitative information about the disease. Molecular methods, based on
published sequences, will overcome these constraints to a significant extent.
Other applications of molecular methods will be as prognostic markers for
cancer, drug resistance indicators, predictive markers for malignant and degen
erative disorders, models for molecular modelling for drug design, gene
therapy, pathogenicity evaluation, detection of minimal residual disease,
molecular epidemiological information and control measures, and the
detection of new emerging diseases.
Technical trends that will be used in the above applications are quanti-
tative, multiple and in situ PCR, multiple DNA sequencing and diagnosis by
hybridization with enriched stable isotope labels using mass spectrometry,
peptide nucleic acid probes that provide faster results than traditional DNA
probes, DNA biochip technology, where distinct probes can be linked to an