2 Admiralty charts which have been compiled either
partially or entirely using data from a foreign chart
where different criteria have been used for wreck
assessment. In such cases the foreign criteria, and
the associated chart symbols, will be carried
forward on to the Admiralty chart.
3 Similarly, a foreign government Notice to Mariners
may promulgate information concerning a wreck in
an area covered by an Admiralty chart. If the
UKHO decides that it is appropriate to re-issue the
information in an Admiralty Notice to Mariners for
the Admiralty chart(s) concerned, the original
foreign government criteria, assessment and
resulting chart symbol will be retained.
4 Earlier wrecks, originally assessed and charted with
reference to the criteria of the day, may be charted
on subsequent New Editions and New Charts
without the benefit of present day re-assessment
and, in consequence, will retain the symbol
appropriate to the criteria of the time. An extreme
example might be a 1959 wreck with a depth of
15⋅5 m (8½ fathoms) over it, which was assessed
and charted as non-dangerous at the time,
continuing to be charted as non-dangerous today.
5 Wrecks with less than 28 m over them may, in certain
circumstances, be assessed by the UKHO using
more subjective criteria in addition to depth, and,
as a result, be classified and charted as
1 In the light of all the foregoing, mariners are advised
that wrecks charted as non-dangerous nevertheless remain
worthy of caution, and that a value for the minimum depth
over them cannot be derived simply by inspection of the
1 In the past, the traditional method of sounding was by
keeping a boat or vessel on lines producing a systematic
series of profiles covering the entire area. These lines are
usually run 5 mm apart on the sheet, eg on a scale of
1:12 500 lines are run 62 m apart on the ground. The scale
of the survey must be large enough to allow sufficient lines
to be plotted to indicate the configuration of the seabed.
2 Though each line may be many miles in length, it can
only be considered as representing the narrow width of the
beam of the echo sounder, and where the lead was used,
each sounding represents an area only a few centimetres in
3 Where soundings indicate irregular depths, examinations
are usually conducted on a larger scale than the rest of the
survey, but where there are no soundings which arouse
suspicion, a shoal, rock, reef, wreck or other obstruction,
lying between two lines could pass undetected.
Furthermore, although in clear water irregularities of the
bottom may sometimes be apparent from the bridge of a
ship, they can seldom be detected from a sounding boat
where the observer’s eye is usually within 2 m of the
1 Since the early 1970’s, sidescan sonar has been an
integral part of surveys undertaken by British survey
vessels, allowing for almost complete insonification of the
sea bed. As a result, numerous previously undetected
obstructions and objects have been located and charted.
Even so, it is important to remember that there are still
places where the configuration of the bottom can hide such
2 Without sidescan sonar, on a scale of 1:75 000, a shoal
one cable wide rising close to the surface might not be
found if it happened to lie between lines of soundings. In
the same way, on a scale of 1:12 500, rocks as large as
supertankers, if lying parallel with, and between the lines
of soundings might exist undetected, if they rose abruptly
from an otherwise even bottom. See Diagram 2.27.
1 On charts based on older surveys, it may therefore be
expected that some dangers within the 20 m depth contour
may have been missed, and that even when the survey is
modern every danger may not have been located.
Bathymetric Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
1 Bathymetric LIDAR is the generic term used for a
number of systems that use laser pulses to measure depth.
Bathymetric LIDAR systems are deployed from fixed or
rotary wing aircraft. Depending on which manufacturer’s
system is used, a red laser beam is either fired directly
downward from the aircraft or scanned on to the sea
surface from side to side. Simultaneously, a visible green
laser beam is produced and is scanned on to the sea
surface from side to side.
2 The red laser signal reflects from the sea surface while
the green laser signal penetrates the water and reflects from
the sea floor with a footprint of about half the water depth.
The returns are collected by a receiver in the aircraft. The
difference in the travel time between the sea-surface return
(red laser) and the bottom return (green laser) is then used
to determine the water depth.
3 The depth to which Bathymetric LIDAR systems can
measure is limited by the opacity of the water column. The
systems are best suited to areas of the world where sub-sea
visibility is not limited and where breaking waves are not
expected. Areas where small boat surveys would be
hazardous due to uncharted shoals can be covered in safety
using Bathymetric LIDAR technology. The systems can
measure from around 1 m up to a maximum of around
70 m, depending on visibility.
4 Sounding density on the sea floor is around 2 to 5 m
(depending on the system) and is independent of depth.
Large areas of sea floor can be covered rapidly by the
systems (up to around 65 km
per hour).
Multibeam (or Swath) Echo Sounders
1 Multibeam (or swath) echo sounders transmit a swath of
acoustic energy into the water along a narrow fan in the
fore-aft direction and a wide fan in the athwartship
direction. The reflected energy from the seabed returns to
the transducer where it is detected. From the received angle
and the two way travel time the position for each beam
relative to the transducer and the associated depth is
2 The major benefit of swath echo-sounding is that close
to 100% coverage of the sea floor can be achieved, so that
uncertainties between adjacent survey lines can be greatly
minimised. Thus a better understanding of the seabed
topography can be obtained than by the use of traditional
single beam echo sounders. Typically, the acoustic
processing used in multibeam or swath echo sounders
results in a much higher resolution of seabed features when
compared to traditional single beam echo sounders. (See
also 2.98).