and multi-annual variation of flow strongly influences the economic evaluation of the
producible energy, if long-term hydrological data are not available, it is at least desirable
to plot the flow duration curves for three characteristic years, i.e. for an average, a wet
and a dry year. Sometimes the first approach can be made on the basis of a hydrologically
typical mean duration curve. In most cases, however, mean values are not acceptable and
may even be misleading.
Special attention has to be given to a reliable determination of floods and low flows.
Flood analysis furnishes the basis for the selection of the design flood decisive for
dimensioning of the spillway and gated weir whilst a proper estimate for the low
discharges is essential for assessing the firm (guaranteed) power. A 95% duration
discharge is generally adopted for evaluation of the firm power.
Since, at low-head stations, the head considerably varies, the selection of the design
head for the turbines is often an intricate procedure (as opposed to high-head plants)
because reasonable efficiency and output have to be ensured for both of the extreme
The principal technological rule that a given natural resource can be exploited, or a
predetermined quantity of goods produced, up to a certain limit, more economically by
the application of fewer high-capacity than of more low-capacity producers, applies also
in hydropower engineering. Consequently, in order to achieve an economic optimum, the
natural drop of a selected river stretch has to be utilized by a minimum number of steps,
i.e. with the possible maximum head at each plant. Nevertheless, the above expression
‘up to a certain limit’ means that hydrological, topographical, geological and
anthropogenic conditions and, last but not least, environmental constraints dictate a limit
for the maximum permissible headwater evaluation. In some cases, given sufficient
information, the experienced engineer is able to make a sound decision. If not, variants
for various heads have to be elaborated and their technological and economic feasibility
and environmental impacts compared.
Foundation and construction problems have to be studied at a very early stage of the
planning to avoid technological difficulties and, consequently, unexpected excess costs
which may completely negate the results of the feasibility study. Soil mechanical analysis
furnishes data concerning the most suitable foundation for the structure method (dry pit
construc-tion, groundwater lowering, caisson, pile foundation impervious curtain or sheet
pile closure, etc.).
In alluvial rivers, downstream of a single barrage, or the last plant of a cascade, the
possibility of intensive degradation of the riverbed must be reckoned with. The profile
and progress of degradation can be calculated if sufficient knowledge on the sediment
regime is available. If degradation is too strong, or no other protective measures are
acceptable, an artificial supply of sediment may prove successful to re-establish the
natural sediment transport equilibrium.
It is important to provide for a safe release of the floods occurring during the
construction period. The construction method and schedule should therefore be based,
besides detailed hydrological and hydraulic investigations and possibly scale model tests,
also on nautical studies, if the plant is constructed on a navigable river.
In stream or canal developments incorporating navigation locks the general
arrangement of the plant, the shaping of the lock forebays and the length of the separating
piers or walls have to be designed so that no disturbing cross currents affecting the
Water power development: low-head Hydropower utilization 49