The competitiveness of hydroelectric plants has been significantly enhanced during
the last decades by progress in various fields of technology both in civil and mechanical
engineering, e.g. in new foundation and grouting methods, improved tunnelling
techniques, lightweight and thus less expensive steel structures, improved and new
designs of gates, turbines and generators, simplified superstructures, etc. A more efficient
technology permits a considerably shortened construction time in comparison with earlier
schedules, with substantial economic consequences.
It has to be borne in mind that preliminary studies, planning, design, construction and
installation, operation and maintenance of hydroelectric schemes are all of multi-
disciplinary character. Therefore stability, safety, operational reliability and economic
effectiveness of hydropower plants strongly depend on achievements in research in
several fields such as hydrology and meteorology, geology and soil mechanics,
hydromechanics of civil structures and machines, structural analysis and electrotechnics.
Especially research on vibration, cavitation, perfected instrumentation and measurement
methods in scale-model tests and new procedures of regional hydrological analyses have
contributed markedly to the improvement of plant designs. In addition, it must be
mentioned that a sound project evaluation may require, according to the specific features
of the case, a high competence in various other domains (biology, ecology, sociology,
economics, etc.)
Some remarks concerning the content of this chapter have to be made although typical
general layouts are displayed. Structures which may be a part of any other scheme except
hydropower plants are not further discussed in detail (e.g. dams, weirs, ship locks, fish
passes, intakes). A concise discussion of the turbines and electrical equipment is
essential, since the power plant planner is not able to elaborate even a preliminary sketch
of the plant without making an estimate of the number and type of generating units and of
approximate operational characteristics (specific speed, rated speed) and, consequently,
of the elevation and turbine runner diameter. It cannot be sufficiently emphasized that the
general arrangement of the entire powerhouse completely depends on the latter two
Considering the fact that only about 10–20% of the economically feasible water power
resources of our world have been utilized up till now, it can undoubtedly be stated that
hydropower engineers may have still much confidence in their future. The reason for the
seeming uncertainty about the degree of exploitation indicated above can be explained by
the fact that the assessment of the quantity to which the harnessed power is related, i.e.
the economically feasible potential, continuously changes according to technological
progress and policy in economic evaluation.
The terms project, scheme and development are used as synonyms for plants,
comprising all structures erected and measures applied for utilizing a selected water
power resource. Water power, hydropower and hydroelectric plants are used as synonyms
too. The word station refers to the coherent complex of powerhouse and weir (spillway),
while a river barrage includes also ship lock(s). The cascade or chain of river barrages
rendering possible or improving navigation results in a canalization of the river. The
impounded headwater stretches are alternatively called reaches or ponds. Turbine and
wheel are applied synonymously. The terms unit, aggregate and set are synonymously
collective designations for the turbine and its generator, including, if any, the gear drive
Developments in hydraulic engineering–5 2