6.9 Lifting moist air 157
passes over a mountain. If air in the flow is initially unsaturated, it could be
lifted by convection on the upslope side of the mountain to the LCL, where the
condensation process starts. During the lifting moisture is removed by raining
out on the upslope side. Then as the air descends back to the surface on the
lee side of the mountain, it will be much warmer and drier than on the upslope
side. This is the origin of the Chinook wind (more on this in Chapter 7). So, the
temperature, potential temperature, and mixing ratio vary during both ascent and
descent of air parcels. At the same time, the equivalent potential temperature is
the same at the starting and ending points; it is conserved during this complicated
There is yet another good tracer of moist air: the so-called wet-bulb potential
temperature. The wet-bulb potential temperature, θ
, is the temperature an air
parcel would have if cooled from its initial state adiabatically to saturation,
and then brought to 1000 hPa by a moist adiabatic process. This algorithm of
finding the wet-bulb potential temperature depends on whether or not the parcel is
initially saturated. If the parcel is initially saturated, it should be carried along a
moist adiabat to the 1000 hPa pressure level. If the parcel is initially unsaturated,
it should be lifted first to the LCL and then taken moist adiabatically to the
1000 hPa level. When descending, an air parcel may need additional water vapor
to maintain saturation. The wet-bulb potential temperature, like the equivalent
potential temperature, is conserved during both dry and moist adiabatic processes.
So, in the case of the Chinook wind it is the same on the upslope and lee sides of the
The last useful characteristic of moist air that we introduce in this section
is the saturation equivalent potential temperature θ
. Consider an unsaturated
parcel. The saturation equivalent potential temperature is the equivalent potential
temperature the parcel would have if it started out completely saturated. The
saturation equivalent potential temperature θ
can be defined as:
= θe
(T ,p)/c
. (6.84)
It is important to understand the difference between (6.82) and (6.84). θ and
in (6.82) are the potential temperature and saturation mixing ratio of saturated
air at temperature T , whereas the same variables in (6.84) are calculated at the
temperature T of unsaturated air. The saturation equivalent potential temperature is
not conserved during an unsaturated process. For saturated air, θ
is equal to θ
. The
reason we introduce θ
is that it is a useful characteristic of air flow when analyzing
air stability (we will discuss it briefly in Chapter 7).