1162 Part G Infrastructure and Service Automation
a particular transmission line when there is a sched-
uled energy exchange. As the approach described so
far models the control area as a pool, it does not al-
low the control area network topology to be taken into
consideration. Other approaches must be applied.
Reference [65.23] presents major congestion man-
agement methods in the new market environment from
the international technical literature, which are pre-
sented and classified according to security-constrained
generation redispatch, zonal/cluster based management,
a network sensitivity factor-based method, congestion
management using FACTS devices, congestion pricing
and market-based methods, congestionmanagement us-
ing demand-side resources, and financial transmission
In a restructured power system, the transmission
networkis thekey mechanism forgenerators to compete
in supplying large users and distribution companies.
The role of the competitive electricity markets is de-
scribed in [65.24]. The lessons learned by ERCOT
(Texas ISO) in relation to flow-based zonal redis-
patch to relieve transmission congestion are discussed
in [65.25].
Further Reading
The electrical power industry has undergone dramatic
changes in many countries in recent years. Recent
deregulation has transformed it from a technology-
driven industry into one driven by public policy
requirements and the open-access market. Now, just
as the utility companies must change to ensure their
survival, engineers and other professionals in the in-
dustry must acquire new skills, adopt new attitudes,
and accommodate other disciplines. The book by
Denny and Dismukes [65.26] provides engineers with
a broad overview of most of the topics that should
be explored in order to understand and meet the chal-
lenges of the new competitive environment. Integrating
the business and technical aspects of the restruc-
tured power industry, it explains how new methods of
power systems operation and energy marketing relate
to public policy, regulation, economics, and engineer-
ing science. The authors examine the technologies and
techniques currently in use and lay the groundwork
for the coming era of unbundling, open access, power
marketing, self-generation, and regional transmission
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Part G 65