Look around your city
or town and notice the telephone wires that run from telephone
pole to telephone pole along the city streets, eventually reaching
the homes and places of business throughout the city. ey might
not always be visible because in some cities they run underground.
Regardless of where they occur, these wires criss-cross throughout the
city distributing electrical current from phone to phone in our homes and
places of school, work, and entertainment. ese wires are not complex
structures; they are simply metal wires that can conduct an electric charge
from one phone to another. ese telephone wires in our cities and homes are
typically insulated from one another and protectively wrapped to prevent dam-
age. eir pathways through the city are not complex; they simply follow logical
routes to di erent parts of the city. e wires are bundled in common groups that
follow shared pathways to similar locations. As these wires course through the
city they relay to telephone centers operated by the telephone
companies. At these centers the wires enter control
rooms where they form complex circuits. is
complex circuitry allows the electrical messages
to be processed and directed to the proper
Like the telephone wires of our cities and
homes, the nerves of the peripheral nervous
system are really rather simple structures.
ey consist of long, insulated axons bun-
dled together in protective collagenous
wrappings. ese axons pass in bundled
groups that follow logical routes to the dif-
ferent regions of the body where they com-
municate with receptor (sensory receptors)
or e ector strucutres (muscles or glands).
Like telephone wires, these neuronal wires
conduct electrical messages to and from the
central processing center (brain and spinal
cord). is chapter will depict the basic de-
sign of the structures called nerves and
demonstrate the pathways of the nerves
throughout the body.
13 Peripheral Nervous System
Find more information
about the peripheral
nervous system in
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