Fractionation of mRNA Based on the Length of the Poly(A) Tail 135
procedure can be performed on smaller amounts of starting
10. The amount of biotinylated oligo(dT) will have to be opti-
mised for each sample type to ensure efficient binding
and elution. We tested biotinylated oligo(dT) from differ-
ent suppliers but the protocol only works efficiently with
biotinylated oligo(dT) from Promega.
11. This protocol can be adjusted to elute in fewer fractions. To
prepare samples for microarray analysis elute with 0.075×
SSC (oligoadenylated RNA) and water only (polyadeny-
lated RNA).
12. The amount loaded for total RNA and unbound is 20% of
starting material.
13. For examples of further analysis see Meijer et al. (3).
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