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poly(A) tail (oligoadenylated RNA) is not necessarily unstable (3).
The length of the poly(A) tail is also thought to be linked to the
translational activity of that mRNA. A long poly(A) tail seems to
coincide with active translation while a short poly(A) tail corre-
lates with translational repression (4).
One of the most challenging parts of studying poly(A) tail
length is that all methods that are dependent on visualisation
of the size of the poly(A) tail by gel electrophoresis tend to
underestimate the length of the poly(A) tail because the signal
is spread out over a large area which weakens the signal. Most
traditional techniques are based on either northern blotting (for
long mRNAs in combination with RNase H cleavage) or PCR.
The northern blotting approach can only be used for r e latively
abundant mRNAs (5). Several PCR-based protocols (6–8)have
improved detection limits but still suffer from an underestimation
of long poly(A) tails. Both northern blotting and the PCR-based
protocols require the preparation of a sample treated with RNase
H in the presence of oligo(dT) to remove the poly(A) tail as a
marker (5). For some systems, such as Xenopus oocytes, it is pos-
sible to inject radiolabelled reporter mRNAs which can then be
analysed by gel electrophoresis (9). The use of radiation and the
possibility to use very short probes limits the underestimation of
the poly(A) tail length but unfortunately cannot be used in many
experimental systems.
When studying poly(A) tail changes on a global scale, mRNAs
need to be separated on the basis of the length of their poly(A)
tail. The resulting fractions can then be used for microarray anal-
ysis. mRNA can be bound to poly(U) agarose and then eluted at
different temperatures (10). While this technique can be used to
separate the RNA into fractions dependent on poly(A) tail length,
it is labour intensive and difficult to get this technique working
The protocol detailed here can be used for both the analy-
sis of poly(A) tail length, especially for changes in poly(A) tail
length, as well as for the fractionation of mRNA based on the
length of the p oly(A) tail as a preparation of samples for microar-
ray analysis (see Fig. 9.1). Total RNA or crude lysate is mixed
with a radiolabelled and polyadenylated probe (see Fig. 9.2), and
biotinylated oligo(dT). The probe allows for visualisation of the
fractionation and is furthermore used to estimate the poly(A) tail
length in the sample R NA. The poly(A+) mRNA will bind to the
biotinylated oligo(dT), which in turn is bound to paramagnetic
streptavidin beads. The amount of biotinylated oligo(dT) needs
to be optimised for each sample type (see Fig. 9.3). A magnet is
used to separate the bound mRNA from the unbound RNA with-
out a poly(A) tail or a poly(A) shorter than 15 nt. The poly(A+)
mRNA is then eluted from the beads by decreasing the salt con-
centration, which results in elution of mRNAs with increasing