316 Lindow
“by random” in the short sequence). If this is not what you want,
use the binding energy as a cutoff instead.
5. Evaluating
Target Predictions
Most target prediction methods provide hundreds of possible tar-
gets for a single miRNA if, for example, all human mRNAs are
searched for target sites. This raises the hard but important ques-
tion: Among the predictions which are the relevant targets? No
general recipe can answer this question. However, often applica-
tion of external biological knowledge can lead to plausible and
testable hypotheses: If a phenotype from knocking down the
miRNA has been observed a good starting point is of course
to look for predicted targets in pathways and proteins known to
be involved in that phenotype, e.g., if abolishing expression of
the miRNA leads to apoptosis look for targets in genes involved
in apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Biomedical literature and
pathway databases such as KEGG and BioCarta can be helpful
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NAs confer robustness to gene expression
and have a significant impact on 3
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lution. Cell 123, 1133–1146.
10. Didiano, D., Hobert, O. (2006) Perfect seed
pairing is not a generally reliable predictor for
miRNA-target interactions. Nat Struct Mol
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11. Lim, L. P., Lau, N. C., Garrett-Engele, P.,
Grimson, A., Schelter, J. M., Castle, J., Bar-
tel, D. P., Linsley, P. S., Johnson, J. M.
(2005) Microarray analysis shows that some
microRNAs downregulate large numbers of
target mRNAs. Nature 433, 769–773.
12. Krutzfeldt, J., Rajewsky, N., Braich, R.,
Rajeev, K. G., Tuschl, T., Manoharan, M.,
Stoffel, M. (2005) Silencing of microRNAs
in vivo with ‘antagomirs’. Nature 438, 685–
13. Vinther, J., Hedegaard, M. M., Gardner,
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Identification of miRNA targets with stable
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