Polysome Analysis and RNA Purification from Sucrose Gradients 295
fractions from sucrose gradients followed by a variety of down-
stream applications including Western and Northern blotting,
qRT-PCR (25, 26), RNase protection assay (16), and microarray
analysis (27–30). High-throughput polysome fractionation using
deep 96-well plates has also been reported. However, it does not
seem to stand up to the high quality of resolution of the classical
setup (31).
The polysome pr ofile analysis has been described in the lit-
erature with a variety of modifications. The main concern has
to do with the choice of a stabilization reagent used to prevent
polysome run-off. The most widely used reagent is the antibiotic
cycloheximide that binds the 60S ribosomal subunit (32)andis
thought to block translation elongation by preventing release of
deacylated tRNA from the ribosome E site after translocation (33,
34), thus stalling the 80S ribosomes on mRNA in a polysomal
state. Usage of cycloheximide may be omitted in studies aimed
at examining defects in the elongation step as these usually pre-
vent polysome run-off that naturally occurs during the cell lysate
preparation in the absence of any stabilization agent (35).
Heparin, a highly sulfated glycosaminoglycan, is routinely
used to stabilize translational complexes pre-tr eated with cyclo-
heximide (36, 37) and to protect them against RNase activity
during preparation of cell extracts. However, inclusion of hep-
arin in extraction buffers seems to inhibit initiation of protein
synthesis (38, 39) and leads to artificial association of initiation
factors with pre-initiation complexes that do not reflect their nat-
ural state in the cell at the time of lysis (25). Hence, a new strat-
egy has recently been developed employing formaldehyde as a
cross-linking reagent to fix ribosomes on mRNAs in the living
yeast cells. This technique is believed to provide the best available
approximation of the native 43S/48S pre-initiation complexes
composition in vivo (40).
A decrease in the initiation rate results in the polysome run-
off with a concomitant increase in the amount of free 80S ribo-
somes seen as a monosomal peak in a polysome profile. The frac-
tion of vacant mRNA-free 80S ribosomes can be distinguished
from mRNA-bound monosomes on the basis of their different
sensitivity to high salt concentrations (41). The 80S couples dis-
sociate into individual subunits at 0.8 M KCl (41) or 0.7 M NaCl
(36) only if they are not associated with an mRNA.
When performing polysome analysis, a common task is cal-
culation of ratios of particular peak areas in order to deter-
mine what proportion of the translational machinery is actively
engaged in translation. Consensually, only polyribosomes are con-
sidered to be actively translating ribosomes because the mono-
somal peak contains an unknown proportion of mRNA-free 80S
couples. Therefore the translational rate is usually expressed as the
polysome-to-monosome (P/M) ratio, which, in theory, decreases