EXERCISE 1 : Translate into Swahili :
[Demonstrative of proximity] This child, these youths, this young girl, this teacher, this idiot, these workers, this
mountain, this town, that luggage, this bag, these trees, this ditch, this door, this flower, these palms, these
bricks, this lake, these guavas, these oranges, these pineapples, this corn, these clothes, these chairs, this
food, this face.
[Demonstrative of distance] Those travellers, that drunkard, that man, that uncle, those masais, that grand-
mother, that driver, those friends, that clerk, those banana trees, those coconut trees, that river, that year,
those sugar canes, those cities, that rice, that window, those cars, that market, those mangoes, that coarse
sack, that mattress, those eggs, those fields, those chairs.
[Demonstrative of reference] This little boy, this rich white man, this old teacher, these intelligent children, this
lazy pupil, this important city, this black bag, these large baobab trees, These dirty hands of yours, these
unpleasant children of theirs, this beautiful car of yours, take this little chair ! Look at this large poisonous
snake ! Take these beautiful flowers ! Buy this charcoal ! Do not take our palms here !
Translate into English :
Mlango huu, kiti hiki, mtoto huyu, bawa hili, wanaume hawa, matuta haya, nguo hizi, mama huyu,
gari lile, mahindi yale, michungwa ile, mfano ule, miavuli ile, nguo ile, ziwa lilo, matofali yayo,
tawi lilo, mawingu yale, mwizi huyo, wadudu hao, mwanadamu huyu, nguo hizo, uso huo, viti
hivi, chakula hiki.
Translate into English :
Kamata mwizi huyu !1.
Nunua ule mkate mzuri !2.
Uza lile gari lako bovu !3.
Lete mzigo mzito huu !4.
Kula mapera haya mazuri !5.
Wanafunzi hodari hawa wamefaulu mtihani.6.
Duka lile dogo lauza maziwa safi.7.
Usiseme yale maneno ovyo !8.
Bwana amenunua gari lile jipya.9.
Angalia lile joka kubwa !10.
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