Swahili possesses a negative infinitive. It is obtained by inserting the infix -TO- between the infinitive prefix KU- and
the radical of the verb. An extra KU-, which is compulsory in the case of monosyllabic verbs, is sometimes added
before the radical.
Affirmative Negative
Kusoma to read -> Kuto(ku)soma not to read
Kufanya to do -> Kuto(ku)fanya not to do
Kujibu to answer -> Kuto(ku)jibu not to answer
Kurudi to come back -> Kuto(ku)rudi not to come back
Kula to eat -> Kutokula not to eat
Kufa to die -> Kutokufa not to die
EXERCISE 1 : Translate into swahili :
To learn, to catch, to arrive, to try, to wait, to look at, to see, to hear, to think, to answer, to strike, to have, to do,
to know, to love, to go, to come, to drink, to eat, to be, to clean, to want, to sit, to come back, to succeed.
Not to find, not to catch, not to do, not to try, not to know, not to come back, not to stay, not to bring, not to wait,
not to say, not to buy, not to sell, not to read, not to hear, not to stop.
Translate into English :
Kuweka, kubaki, kusafiri, kusamehe, kuanguka, kukaa, kusimama, kuuza, kununua, kupika, kwisha,
kusema, kufunga, kufungua, kuleta, kufa, kufaa, kujibu, kujaribu, kufurahi, kubadili, kuweza, kuketi,
kufuata, kutafuta.
Kutokuwa, kutokunywa, kutokula, kutokuja, kutoweka, kutofika, kutofaulu, kutofurahi, kutosafiri,
kutofaa, kutokuona, kutokupika, kutotaka, kutokuweza, kutofikiri.
Chapter 03 http://mwanasimba.online.fr/E_Chap03.htm
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