28 1. Continuous Population Models for Single Species
Near the bifurcation values of the parameters which initiate an oscillatory growing so-
lution a perturbation analysis provides an estimate for the period of the ensuing limit
cycle behaviour. Figures 1.15(a) and (b) show the numerical simulation of (1.43) for
two values of the delay time T and parameters in the range for which the steady state is
One manifestation of leukaemia is the periodic oscillations observed in, for exam-
ple, the white cell count. Figure 1.15(c) is an example from a 12-year-old patient with
chronic myelogenous leukaemia. Although the overall character is quasi-periodic, it is
in fact aperiodic. Note the comparison between Figures 1.15(b) and (c).
The qualitative change in the solution behaviour as the delay is increased is indica-
tive of what is now referred to as chaos. We discuss this concept in more detail in the
following chapter. Basically chaos is when the solution pattern is not repetitive in any
regular way. A working definition of chaos is aperiodic behaviour in a deterministic
system which depends intimately on the initial conditions: very small changes in the
initial conditions can give rise to major differences in the solution at later times. An
indication of periodic behaviour and of the onset of chaos can be obtained from the plot
of c(t −T ) against c(t) for various values of the parameters. Figure 1.16 shows a series
of bifurcating periodic solutions of (1.43) as the parameter m increases.
The behaviour in Figure 1.16(a), where the phase plane trajectory is a simple closed
curve, implies the solution is a simple periodic solution. For example, if we start at P
say, the solution trajectory moves round the curve and eventually returns to P after a
finite time. In other words if c(t) = c
at time t
, c(t) is again equal to c
when time t
increases by the period: Figure 1.15(a) is a typical solution c(t) as a function of time in
this situation. If we now look at Figure 1.16(b) it looks a bit like a double loop trajectory
of the kind in (a); you have to go round twice to return to where you started. A typical
solution here is like that shown in Figure 1.17(a).
The solutions c(t) implied by Figure 1.16 illustrate a common and important feature
of many model systems, namely, different periodic solution behaviour as a parameter
passes through specific bifurcation values; here it is the Hill coefficient m in (1.43).
Referring now to Figure 1.17(b), if you start at P the solution first decreases with
time and then increases as you move along the trajectory of the first, inner, loop. Now
when c(t) reaches Q, instead of going round the same loop past P again it moves onto
the outer loop through R. It eventually goes through P again after the second circuit. As
before the solution is still periodic of course, but its appearance is like a mixture of two
solutions of the type in Figure 1.15(a) but with different periods and amplitudes. As m
increases, the phase plane trajectories become progressively more complex suggesting
quite complex solution behaviour for c(t). For the case in Figure 1.16(e) the solution
undergoes very many loops before it possibly returns to its starting point. In fact it never
does! The solutions in such cases are not periodic although they have a quasi-periodic
appearance. This is an example of chaotic behaviour.
Figure 1.15(b) is a solution of (1.43) which exhibits this chaotic behaviour while
Figure 1.15(c) shows the dynamic behaviour of the white cell count in the circulating
blood of a leukaemia patient. Although Figures 1.15(b) and (c) exhibit similar aperiodic
behaviour, it is dangerous to presume that this model is therefore the one governing
white cell behaviour in leukaemia patients. However, what this modelling exercise has
demonstrated, among other things, is that delay can play a significant role in physiologi-