LM: But I haven’t accessed a single departmental
home page or a single personal home page for any
useful business reason since the intranet has been
in effect.
TS: I think maybe this is part of, ah, sort of use, not
even use of culture but intranet culture which we are
just putting up with, ah’m, I don’t know why we have
got, ah, an organised way of producing departmental
and personal pages on the intranet, there seems to be a
fad that has grown up on the intranet and we have
paid homage to and lip service to, and put in place on
our intranet rather than recognising it for the com-
plete waste of time and effort I believe it is.
SEC 1: Yeah, I don’t think it was that, I don’t think
it was that a big a change, I thought it was wonder-
ful, marvellous, hooray let’s move into the
twentieth century at least. But I don’t think things
have really changed that much for most of the
people out there, because they still use it in exactly
the same way as they used NM.
SEC 2: They still have too much mail coming to
them personally, still too much actually gets sent
out individually as opposed to being posted on the
web page, but maybe that’s because they haven’t
quite grasped the idea of the groups and the user
pages and things. We’re only now doing this course,
‘Intranet Best Practices’, where they go, where they
explain a bit more about posting things on group
pages or user pages or whatever. I don’t think people
really have been fully aware of what the intranet
can do unless they are particularly keen on PCs and
enjoy playing with things, but a lot of them I think
just use it to send messages and look in their diary,
they don’t really know what it should be used for.
IS: I think that there was initially there was a huge
bubble of work to get it in and then there was the
kind of, ‘Well, now we have got it, let’s do what we
did before’, but using intranet rather than NM, and
so the initial access was almost ‘Look, this thing that
you did before, you know with NM, you can now do
with intranet like this’, that’s what people were driv-
ing for, people were saying how do I do exactly the
same thing that I did on NM but on the intranet?
Not really saying, how can I best do my job using
intranet as a tool.
SM: I don’t find really that there’s been any substan-
tial change, ahm, as I say from that point of view. I
think that people don’t like change, if the people
have been around for a long time using a diary man-
agement system through NM and got used to the
quirks and things, somebody going to put in a totally
new system, they will think ‘Oh, this isn’t going to
work as well’, but I don’t have any problems, ahm,
now the majority of the time the secretary sets up the
diary and does all the diary work but I am just as
competent at doing that myself.
By contrast, there were people who thought that
some significant change had taken place associated
with the introduction of the intranet.
LM: The system is streets ahead of what we used to
have, and the way you can structure it, the sort of
linkages, so you have got one set of data in one place
and you can click on an icon and get through to that
core piece of information from pretty much wherever
you happen to be in the network, it is streets ahead.
PD: I think having things like our own home pages,
and it just feels like our system and not the system
that many of us were used to for many, many years,
it makes people think slightly differently, and I
think whenever you have a change event, and you
will know this, it allows you to have, you can use it
as a way of putting in other changes like, if you
want to know, you can put announcements on the
home page, you have to keep yourself up to date,
you have to look at the home pages, it’s not going
to be delivered to you, once you make a change it
allows other changes to happen, so I think yes the
technology is very powerful.
TS: Well, yeah, we have a virtual organisation
anyway when you think about it, my department is
across two continents, and we communicate fairly
effectively, I think. We wouldn’t have been able to
communicate effectively if we didn’t have IT. The
fact that I can send and they can send me video pic-
tures if they wanted, sound files or competitors’
software very easily says a lot I think of the way we
do our business.
LM: And the difference with this is obviously if you
are issuing that new plan you can just append a
spreadsheet to the note and send it as a piece of
electronic mail, ahm, which is great. So, yes, I think
some of the communication has stopped, some of
the communication is easier to deal with and some
has changed medium. So people, I believe, are using
the telephone where they used to send notes, which
is absolutely excellent, and people are sending faxes
where they used to send notes.
[INT: Does it make it easier to find out what is going
on elsewhere?]
LM: Yes, it has, because one of the things you have
got is the functional home pages, the QMS content
and the departmental home pages makes it easier
to understand who does what, and what their
processes and procedures are. I mean, that is much