human resource 749–50
interrelated 204–5
role and style see under roles and
nature and condition of 133–4
analysed 129–31
goals and objectives 146
see also job design; job satisfaction
and work performance; patterns
of structure and work
orientations 33–4, 370–1
performance see job satisfaction and
work performance; performance,
planning 104, 201
situation, different 33–4
time regulations 775–6
women see under gender
work-hard/play-hard culture 893
working life see work/life balance
see also division of work/labour; job;
motivation and rewards; tasks
and under life; working in groups
and teams
work groups and teams 11, 84,
517–53, 607
autonomous work see teams
behaviour 534, 535, 538–9, 562–5
building 890
case studies and examples 545–52
change, organisational 916
cohesive see cohesiveness
conflict 908
control 866
culture 520–1, 527, 534
decision-making 246, 247–8, 298
definition/meaning and importance
518, 521–3
development and maturity 531–2
difference between groups and teams
effectiveness 523, 533–4, 575–7, 959
empowerment 104, 875
exercises and recruitment 810–11
expectations 528
formal 469, 525–7, 1054
functions 289
maintenance 188, 290, 505, 564,
565, 1058
and groups, difference between
groupthink 510, 1055
human resource management 752
importance of 521–3
informal 469, 526–7, 1056
Japanese management 96
leadership 261, 282, 286, 287–9,
291, 529, 530, 536, 577, 1055
readiness of followers 295, 300–1
leadership see under groups
learning 963
management 105, 215, 241–4, 529,
531, 577
management system and
participation 246, 247, 867, 947
membership 529–30
motivation and rewards 474
multi-cultural 44
needs 288–9
norms see norms, group
organisational change 920
organisational development 104
organisational structure 607–8
-oriented system 729
project 617–18
reasons for formation 527–8
relationships 526, 528
risky-shift 510, 569–70, 1061
roles see team under roles and styles
self-managed 718, 723–4
small company 543–5
sociometry and sociograms 503,
562–3, 1062
spirit 585
teamwork 519, 521–3, 901, 965
technology 534–6
values and beliefs 520–1
virtual 1064
work environment 530–1
worker team-role 557, 577, 581
see also formal groups; Hawthorne
experiments; human relations
approach; informal groups;
organisations; teams; work
groups and teams; working in
groups and teams
workforce see employee(s)/staff
working in groups and teams 12,
brainstorming 511, 567, 570–3, 1052
communication patterns 559–61
effectiveness, team 575–7
essential nature of 566, 568–9
groupthink 570
individual behaviour 562–5
individual performance compared
interactions and analysis 555–6,
risky-shift phenomenon 510,
569–70, 1061
roles see team under roles and styles
task functions within 505, 529, 530,
564–5, 566, 1063
T-groups 516, 574–5, 1064
see also work groups and teams
Working Time Regulations 775–6
work/life balance 34, 78
case studies and examples 735–6
empowerment 723
flexible working 704, 718, 724–7,
happy and productive worker 704,
721, 729–30
human resource management 751
involvement, employee 722
management style and culture 728
needs 483
quality circles 704, 727–8
QWL (quality of working life)
self-managed work groups 718,
works councils 778–80
workshops 430
World Wide Web see Internet
Wright, D. 120
Wynne, B. 418, 419
X, Theory see Theory X
Xavier, Mother Mary 192
Y communication network 559–60,
Y, Theory see Theory Y
Yetton, P.W. 295, 297–8
York, P. 707
Yuker, H.E. 440
Yukl, G. 303, 307, 308
Z see Theory Z
Zaleznik, A. 283–4
Zeton Ltd 629
Zimmermann, J. 833
Zuboff, S. 665–6, 680
Zwerman, W.L. 640