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digestion pattern of the DNA–protein complexes revealed on the autoradio-
graph with that of free DNA shows a band-free region (footprint) where the
bound protein(s) has prevented access of the enzyme to DNA (see Chapter 3).
In a similar analysis, the DNA is allowed to react mildly with DMS, which
methylates primarily deoxyguanosine residues and renders their phosphodiester
linkages labile under conditions of Maxam–Gilbert chemistry (see Chapter 14).
The binding of a protein(s) to a specific DNA region will result in a protection
of the corresponding bases from chemical modification (2).
The suitability of the above assays in determining the binding sequences of
proteins on DNA is hindered by several disadvantages. First, the clarity of the
footprint is highly dependent on the extent of occupancy of the binding site(s)
(i.e., a “clear” footprint is observed only if all DNA molecules are involved in
complexes). Unfortunately, this is not always easy to achieve, especially when
the concentration and/or purity of the specific binding protein(s) is not satis-
factory. Second, DNA–protein complexes formed in crude extracts may often
be heterogeneous in terms of both binding specificity and kinetic stability.
Therefore, direct footprinting in solution will not correspond to a single spe-
cies, but, instead, reflect an “integral” of the multiple equilibria operating over
the entire region of interest (i.e., the protection pattern will actually represent a
composite of more than one complex, with complexes having a very low disso-
ciation rate dominating the footprint). Finally, two different proteins that
recognize the same sequence within the probe are most likely to yield indistin-
guishable footprints. These drawbacks may be overcome by coupling treat-
ment with a footprinting reagent in solution with the electrophoretic mobility
shift assay (EMSA; also known as gel retardation assay, see Chapter 2) (3–5).
In this approach, the protein and DNA molecules are incubated together, and
the equilibrated reaction mixture is exposed to DNase I or DMS, as before. The
DNA–protein complexes are subsequently isolated from the free probe by elec-
trophoresis in a nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. Although the negatively
charged free DNA migrates rapidly toward the anode, once it is bound by a
specific protein its mobility decreases (3,4). Following the separation of the
free and bound DNA species, the corresponding bands are cut out of the gel,
and the DNA eluted and analyzed on a sequencing gel. The region(s) of protec-
tion evident in the DNA derived from the complexed fraction, indicates the
binding site (5). Because the complexes are separated from contaminating
unbound DNA fragments, their footprints will be free of background cutting,
and thus considerably more evident. Similar considerations apply when more
than one complex can be formed on the fragment. As long as the DNA-binding
proteins differ in their molecular masses and charges, they will cause altered
electrophoretic mobilities of the corresponding complexes and, hence, differ-
ent migration in the native polyacrylamide gel. These complexes can be iso-