In Gel
OP–Cu Footprinting 93
3.2. Preparative EMSA
1. Assemble (16–18) × (16–18)-cm front and back glass plates and 0.3-cm spacers
for casting a preparative mobility shift polyacrylamide gel (3-mm-thick poly-
acrylamide gels are preferable, because they are easier to load and give sharper
bands than 1.5-mm-thick gels). The plates must be scrupulously clean and free of
grease spots to avoid trapping air bubbles while pouring the gel; it is highly rec-
ommended to use one glass plate (preferably the back) that has been siliconized
on the inner side for ease of removal after electrophoresis is completed. Taking
particular care (to prevent leakage), seal the entire length of the two sides and the
bottom of the plates with electrician’s plastic tape.
2. Prepare, filter (through a 0.45-µm filter), and degas (by applying vacuum) 100 mL
of the acrylamide gel solution found during optimization of the analytical assay
(Subheading 3.1, step 1). Because of the ready permeability of the gel matrix to
all reagent and quenching solutions used for the subsequent chemical treatment
and the lack of diffusible radicals mediating the DNA-scission reaction, the
in situ footprinting technique is compatible with a broad spectrum of
gel porosities (ranging from 3.5% to 6% [w/v], with an acrylamide to N,N'-meth-
ylene–bis-acrylamide molar ratio of 19:1 to 80:1) and gel/running-buffer
compositions (from glycerol-containing/low-ionic-strength [pH 7.5–7.9] to high-
ionic-strength TBE [pH 8.3] or Tris–glycine [pH 8.5] buffer systems).
3. Add to the solution 0.8 mL of 10% ammonium persulfate and 75 µL of TEMED
and swirl the mixture gently.
4. Slowly pour the acrylamide gel mix between the glass plates and quickly insert a
3-mm comb bearing 10-mm-wide teeth. Allow the gel to polymerize (lying flat
or nearly flat, to avoid undesirable hydrostatic pressure on the bottom) at room
temperature for about 45 min.
5. After polymerization is complete, remove the electrical tape from the bottom of
the gel (by cutting with a razor blade) and clamp the gel into place on the electro-
phoresis apparatus. Fill both chambers of the electrophoresis tank with the buffer
used for preparation of the acrylamide gel mix (step 2), carefully remove the
comb, and immediately rinse the sample wells with reservoir buffer using a 10-mL
syringe with an 18-gage needle.
6. Prior to assembling the preparative binding reaction, pre-electrophorese the gel
for 60 min at 20 mA, with or without buffer recirculation between the two com-
partments, depending on the nature of the gel/running-buffer system used (low or
high ionic strength). This removes any excess persulfate and unpolymerized
acrylamide. Prerunning of the gel should be done at the temperature at which the
binding reaction will be performed (known from step 1 in Subheading 3.1.).
7. In a siliconized 1.5-mL Eppendorf tube, scale up the optimized analytical reac-
tion 5- to 10-fold, depending on the relative proportion of the DNA–protein
complex(es) obtained. If the detected specific DNA-binding activity(ies) (Sub-
heading 3.1., step 1) represents <1% of the total label input, the amount of radio-
active probe in the scaled reaction should be at least 250,000 cpm (see also Note 5).
8. Turn off the electric power. Using a 100- to 200-µL Hamilton syringe, load the
preparative binding reaction onto one or two wells (depending on the total vol-