In Gel
OP–Cu Footprinting 103
a. Properties of the DNA fragment used in the binding reaction. An EMSA
employing crude extracts works best with short DNA fragments, as these
reduce nonspecific interactions of proteins in the extract with sequences flank-
ing the specific binding site(s) and are able to detect binding of large proteins
more readily. Optimal sizes range between 100 and 150 bp, with the putative
protein-binding site(s) located at approximately the center or at least 20–25 bp
away from the radioactive labeled end. If a 20- to 25-bp synthetic oligonucle-
otide is to be used as a probe, it is advisable to design it in a way that it can be
readily subcloned into the polylinker region of a suitable vector, and then
labeled and released as a 40- to 45-bp restriction fragment, in order to obtain
the desired single-base resolution within and around the expected footprint(s).
Although the DNA fragment may be labeled at all ends for EMSAs, the sub-
sequent footprinting analysis requires the DNA fragment to be radioactively
labeled (to a high specific activity) at the 3' or 5' end of one of the two strands.
Klenow enzyme-labeled probes are preferable to kinased probes because some
protein extracts contain substantial phosphatase activities. Finally, the labeled
probe should be unnicked, because the resulting fragments may obscure the
cleavage pattern obtained after the chemical attack in the footprinting analy-
sis. Therefore, sufficient care should be taken to minimize nuclease activities
during all steps of preparation, labeling, and isolation. To this end, we have
found that purification of singly end-labeled probes from native polyacryla-
mide gels by “crush-and-soak” methods (similar to that described in Sub-
heading 3.4.1.) results in less damage to DNA than electroelution.
b. Binding-reaction parameters. These include binding-buffer composition (pH,
ionic strength, metal ion content, and presence or absence of nonionic deter-
gents and/or stabilizer polycations), amount of crude or partly-fractionated
extract or purified protein, concentration of labeled DNA probe, type and
amount of bulk carrier DNA, and temperature and duration of incubation.
Specifically, the following considerations should be evaluated: The optimal
ratio of protein to DNA for the assay is best determined by titrating a fixed
concentration of the radioactively labeled DNA fragment with increasing
amounts of crude or partly-fractionated extracts, or purified protein. Fre-
quently, as protein concentration increases, binding passes through a
maximum. Note, however, that increasing amounts of protein to a fixed con-
centration of DNA will not necessarily increase the yield of specific
complex(es) seen. This is because of the fact that whereas a given preparation
of any DNA-binding protein(s) tends to be fully active in nonspecific bind-
ing, it is typically only fractionally active in site-specific binding activity (the
apparent fractional activity varying from 5% to 75%, depending on the par-
ticular protein[s] and the individual sample). Therefore, too much protein,
particularly with crude extract preparations, leads to occlusion of the binding
site(s) by proteins interacting with DNA in a sequence-independent manner.
This problem can be minimized by raising simultaneously the concentration
of bulk carrier (competitor) DNA (typically of the order of 250- to 5000-fold