46 Metzger and Heumann
3. Investigation of the complexes of specific binding of proteins and DNA in crude
extracts using Exo III requires additional precautions in order to avoid problems
caused by endogenous nuclease activities during Exo III exposure. To avoid this
problem, sodium-phosphate, tRNA, deoxyoligonucleotides and fragmented
phage DNA (e.g., 2 mM sodium phosphate, 1 µg of FX 174 DNA cut with HaeIII,
10 µg of yeast tRNA, and 1 µg mixed p[dN]
) should be added to the assay (5).
We find this suppresses nuclease and possibly phosphatase activities contained
in the crude extracts (see also Note 2).
4. Testing different concentrations of Exo III and different incubation periods can pro-
vide additional information about the nature of the protein–DNA complex under
study. If Exo III is able to “nibble” into a protected area with increasing exposure
time, this indicates differences in the strength of protein–DNA interaction (10).
5. Different binding sites for one or more proteins may be detected as distinct stop
points for Exo III, as shown in refs. 12–14. This applies as much when working
with crude extracts as when using purified factors. It is necessary, however, that
the ratio of DNA to binding proteins be >1.
6. Heparin, which is often used as a DNA competitor for E. coli RNA–polymerase
and other DNA-binding proteins, also interacts with Exo III and reduces its activ-
ity markedly.
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5. Wu, C. (1985) An exonuclease protection assay reveals heat-shock element and
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6. Loh, T. P., Sievert, L. L., and Scott, R. W. (1990) Evidence for a stem cell-spe-
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8. Fried, M. and Crothers, D. M. (1981) Equilibria and kinetics of lac repressor-
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9. Heumann, H., Metzger, W., and Niehörster, M. (1986) Visualization of interme-
diary transcription states in the complex between Escherichia coli DNA-depen-