24 Laniel, Béliveau, and Guérin
TEMED. Carefully stir and pour the acrylamide solution between the plates (see
Note 15). Use a comb that has 0.8-cm-width teeth. Allow the gel to set for at least
2 h, then mount gel in the electrophoresis tank and fill the chamber with 1X Tris–
glycine (see Note 8). As soon as the gel is mounted and set, remove the comb and
carefully wash the wells with running buffer.
3. Prerun the gel at 4°C and 120 V (8 V/cm) until the current becomes invariant
(this takes around 30 min). Prerunning ensures that the gel will remain at a con-
stant temperature from the moment of sample loading.
4. When the gel is ready for loading, prepare samples as follows. For each sample,
mix 12 µL of 2X binding buffer, 1 µL of 1 mg/mL poly(dI:dC) (see Notes 9 and
10), and 0.6 µL of 2M KCl (see Note 10); then add 30,000 cpm of labeled probe.
Where possible, to minimize pipeting errors, prepare a single mix of the common
reaction components and distribute equal volumes into the reactions. Finally, add
1–10 µg protein extract and H
O to a final volume of 24 µL. Mix each tube gently
and incubate at RT for 3 min. As a control, prepare a sample without protein extract
and add 1 µL of 6X loading buffer containing bromophenol blue and xylene cyanol.
5. Load samples by changing the pipet tip for each sample.
6. Run at 120 V (8 V/cm) and let samples migrate until the free probe reaches the
bottom of the gel (see Note 16). In the case of a 70-bp probe loaded on 6%
acrylamide gel, this means 5–6 h of migration.
7. After the gel run, disassemble the apparatus and remove one of the glass plates,
place a Whatman paper over the gel, and carefully lift the gel off the remaining
plate. Make sure that the gel is well fixed on the Whatman before lifting the gel to
avoid gel breakage. Place plastic wrap over the gel and dry at 80°C for 30 min.
8. Place an X-ray film over the gel in an autoradiography cassette and expose at
–70°C overnight.
4. Notes
1. Very intense, large or smeary shifted complexes usually result from multiple
comigrating DNA–protein complexes that possess nearly identical electro-
phoretic mobilities in native polyacrylamide gels despite the fact that the pro-
teins they contain usually have distinctive molecular masses on denaturing
SDS-PAGE (43,44). An attractive method that helps to distinguish between the
proteins yielding these multiple, comigrating complexes is the SDS–polyacryla-
mide gel fractionation–renaturation procedure (30). This procedure allows
recovery and enrichment of specific proteins suitable for further analyzes by
EMSA, in addition to providing their approximate molecular masses.
2. When using crude nuclear extracts for detecting DNA–protein complexes in
EMSA, the quality of the extract is very critical. Whenever possible, nuclei puri-
fication procedures using a sucrose cushion or pad (45) is to be preferred in order
to eliminate contamination by cytosolic proteins that most often also contain
substantial amounts of proteases. Purifying nuclei on sucrose pads has generally
yielded high-quality nuclear extract samples. However, such extracts require
large quantities of fresh tissue, rendering the approach inappropriate when