Geometric and Engineering Drawing168
The FE shows where corners 3 and 6 meet the octagonal prism. The plan shows where
corners 1, 2, 4 and 5 meet the octagonal prism and these are projected down to the FE.
The sides of the hexagonal prism between corners 3 – 4 and 5 – 6 meet two sides of
the octagonal prism. The change of shape occurs at points a and b. The position of
a and b on the FE (and then across to the EE) is found by projecting down to the FE
via the end of the hexagonal prism (follow the arrows). The intersection on the FE
can then be completed.
A square prism meeting a square pyramid at right angles ( Fig. 12.6 ).
The EE shows where corners 1 and 3 meet the pyramid.
These are projected across to the FE.
Corners 2 and 4 are not quite so obvious. The pictorial view shows how these cor-
ners meet the pyramid. If the pyramid was cut across X – X, the section of the pyra-
mid resulting would be square, and points 2 and 4 would lie on this square. It is not
necessary to make a complete, shaded section on your drawing but it is necessary
to draw the square on the plan. Since points 2 and 4 lie on this square it is simple
to find their exact position. Project corners 2 and 4 from the EE onto the plan. The
points where these projectors meet the square are the exact positions of the intersec-
tions of corners 2 and 4 with the pyramid.
Third angle projection
2, 4
Pictorial view with part
above X–X removed
Figure 12.6
A square pyramid and a hexagonal prism meeting at an angle ( Fig. 12.7 ).
The FE shows where corners 1 and 4 meet the pyramid.
Corners 2 and 6 lie on the same plane X – X. If this plane is marked on the plan
view of the pyramid (follow the arrows) it results in the line X – X – X. Corners 2 and
6 lie on this plane; their exact positions are as shown.