Remem ber, remind, forgety regret, be sorry / ashamcd Hpl-
tjulllderus = zlelicTBHe oanoBpeMennoe c rnarozfou-clta3yeulalu'.
Renlember to post #7e letter. - He aa6yas're o'rnpaBpl'rb nHcsuo. 1
wt?n 't forget to pick you up Xtppi school. JI I4e 3a6yay 3aspaTb
Te6yl u3 ttlxoalal. 1 A$7tz,: sorly to /leflr that Sarah lost /7cr job.
M He Glalzlo lKaJIb y3HaTB, HT0 Capa noTepMna
Rem ember, rem ind, forget, regret, be sorry / asham ed re-
pyllaplii = rlpeamecerBylomee aeiicerBple: Do you remember seeing
this zptzzi before? - BbI noMllurre, HTo Bcrrpetlanpl a'roro qenoBeica
pallbme? They pfpw regret dealing with //M// company. - Ceiuac
oplpl copxazlelo'r, uTo pllklealf Aeno c Toii IcoMnallpleii. He u't?.ç sorry
for /lzlr/ïag herfeelings. - 0H co-aae.rl, qlo paHpla eë HyBcrrBa.
Prefer + HHYHHHTHB = xo'rerrla, plcenarrb: Do ytl/z prefer to wait a
Iittle? - He xo'rll're JIH HeMlloro noaolxaanxla?
Prefer + repyuaplii to / or repyilauii = cpaBlleHue: Do you prefer
YPt?T#/JW On l'otfr OWD Or in J tetlm? Bbl HPeJIIROHHTKTW Pa6O-
Ta'rla caMocrrosl'reabslo HIIH B xoMauae?
Ho: 1 rrç/dr /:> drive rather than travel by train. JI npeanoHll-
Talo Bec'rpl Matuuldy, qeu exan Ha rloeaae. I w/?W# prefer to see
you in private. - Jl 6Ia1 npeanoxlë.rl Bcerpe-ru'rbc;l c BaMH JlHquo.
Stop + HHYHHHTHB = oceralloBurrbcil, HTo6BI BblrlonHlln'la aeiic'r-
Bue: He stopped to greet his colleague. - OH ocTalloBuncg, HTo6iyl
nt73AOP0Ba3'bCS c KOJlJlerO;.
Stop + Fepyllilllii IlpekpaTll'rb BBIFIOJIHSTG RCGCTBIIC'. He
stopped smoking. - OH 6pocpln KypuTb.
4. Like, dislike, love, hate + HHYHHHTHB = CVIHTa'I'B H'ro-'ro npa-
Bldabslblu: She likes people to be on time. - Eii HpaBH-rcm, Koraa
nloau Ilplfxoairr BoBpeMl.
Like, dislike, Iove, hate + repyllauii = Honyqa'rs yaoBoascrrspfe
o'r Blalnozltlepllls neiic'rBus'. f Iike meeting newpeople. - M He upa-
Bplrrcrl BcTpetlaerlacx c HOBbIMH JlloasMll.
110: 1 would like to help you. - Jl 5Ia1 xoa-ea BaM noMoHla.
Need, want, require, deserve + HHYHHHTHB = aKTPIBHOe aHa'4e-
ulle: He needj to work harder (/ he wants to ?7;(z/cc progress.
EMy HPKHO pa6oTa'rb ycepauee, ecnu oll xotle'r aoc'rlltlb ycnexa.
Need, want, require, deserve + repyl4auii = naccllBlloe auaHe-
HHe: .#f
J/ jacket needs cleaning. - Molo Icypa'Ky lly-llo uoiluc-
rrry + uiltllllilu-ruis = cnena'rs rlorltalTuy, ripunoAltu'ria ycunuM (Hae-
'ro Geaycnelllplol: Fry to climb in the ./D/ through the wïz/tlw. -
l-lorlpo6y; Bnenla B KBaprrplpy uepe3 olcllo.
TG + repyl4aplii = npo6oBaTb, alccneppluell'rllpoBa'rla: Try ringing
lhe doorbell. - l'lonpo6yii noaBoHuTb B aBepla.
Mean + HHYHHHTHB = co6upa'rbcl, HauepeBa'rlac/: I p?ctzp to see
her later this wcc/c. - Jl co6plpalocb Bcrrpevrplerlac.q c Heii norlte Ha
a'roii Heaene.
M ean + repynauii = oaplaua'riy (c ueoaytlleBnëllllblu noaaellca-
mllul: 1 could get a betterjob :1// it kvould ??kf?tw moving. - S Mor
6BI rlozlyvlpl'rb Jlyutuylo pa6o'ry, Ho aTo oaylatlarlo 6IaI nepee3a B
apyr'oe Mecrro.
Advise, allow, consider, encourage, forbid, permit, recom-
mend + repynauii: He doesn 't allow smoking in his tp//cd. - OH
lIe pa3petuae'r Kyppl'rla B ero oYuce.
Advise, allow , consider, encourage, forbid, permit, recom -
mend + smb. + ullYuuuTuB: He doesn 't allokv anyone to sntoke
in /78, olhce. - OH Hulcouy He paapetuae'r Icypu'rb B ero oYuce.
raaroalal B IlaccllslloM 3aaore + HHYHHHTHB: It isn 't allowed to
smoke in the tp//cc. - Kypeslue B oYuce aanpemeHo.
Used to + HHYHHHTHB = 6ialBarlo, pallbllle: 1 used to s'Waz a 1ot #;
my childhood - B aerrcl'Be g, GlalBallo, Mnoro nnaBan.
Be / become / get used to (be / become / get accustomed to) + r'e-
pyllauii = npuBiylKaTs: 1 got used to getting up early. - Jl IRPHBIaIK
pal.lo BceraBarrb.
l 0. Go on / carry on / keep (on) + IIHYHHHTHB = uatla'rla Blalnonlll'rb
HoBoe aeicerBlle'. Aher discussing the A'/tz/c of //7e econolny, the
?pj??/A'/cr then went on to talk about Xrcjp/ policy. - O6cyaun
cplauaaa cocrroHuue DKOHOMHKH, uupluc'rp 3aereu npoaonpxua ro-
Boppl'rla o BHetlllleli noapnnuxe.
Go on / carry on / keep (on) + repyllzll!ii = Hpoaonllca'rla Bbluoa-
Hellue oauoro u Tor'o plçe aeiic'rBplrl'. The minister wczl/ on talking
for fwtp hours. - Muuuc'rp rlpoaoallcaa Blalcrryrla'rb B Teqeuue aByx
l 1 . Be busy + repyHapl; = 6bITb 3anx'rblu tleu-Hu6yaI,: 1Ie is too
y' watching TV news. -- OH caplltlxou aaH;IT npocMorrpou Te-