Ecnu noaae-amuu ilBaHeerc? There, To tltere llcnoniayeTc, u B
Bonpoce: There aren 't nmnypeople here, are tltere?
V Ecnu noanextamuu HBaxevrc;l This / Tlxat, To B Borlpoce ucfloab-
3yerrc;l it'. lhat 's nice, isn 't it?
V Ecau noane-amuM rlBzlle-rc;l These / Those, 'r0 B sonpoce Hc-
rlozlbaye'rcl tlteyl Thosejlowers are beautful, aren 't tltey?
Ecau noazleplcamllM rlBzlrlerrcll no one, someone. anyone,
everyone, 'ro B Bonpoce HcnoabayeTcx they: Everyone 's coming
tonight, aren 't tltey?
B npeanoxceullgx, coaeplKamux nothing, no one, neither,
anyone, never, seldom , hardly, barely, scarcely, no sooner,
without, unfortunately, except Bonpoc Gyae'r nonoxturrensllslM:
Nobody ustzw you, did tltey?
B czlolxilonoaHllllëllnlalx npeazlollceHlllx Bonpoc 3anaëercx K Toii
Hac'ru npeaaollcelllu, Korropal BBlaBlBaeT coMueuug: 1 don 't think
anyone 's ctp?pfng, are tlley? There wasn 't a single point they dis-
agreed on, was //zere?
B rloBezfpl'reasylblx rlpeaaopxenlux B Bonpoce osblHllo ynoTpes-
allerrcll will ywzz: Don 't do that again, will (won '# you? #Js'.& me
the book, could you? Get my pen, can you? Read aloud, would
B npeaaopxenlux, Haquffalomllxc, c Let's B Bonpoce yno'rpe6nl-
e'rc, sltall #$'e: Let 's go there tomorrow, shall #$,e? Ho: L et p'c go
there tolnorrow, willyou?
V B Bonpocax-uepecnpocax YopMa BcrloMoraTezlbploro raarozla He
MelueTcg ua upomruBonoaollcuylo: 'V nmnaged to pass the exam. ''
'D idyou? '' ''M'
)Z neighbours don 't J/ke hard rock '' ''Don't they? ''
V 1. Paccmaqbme clloea / npaqunbkloM l10PSdlfe;
l . please / the / could / turn / light / you / on ?
2. at l staying l Jill / home / weekend / the / at / prefers .
3. did / from / dress / where / you / this / get ?
4. recently / him / have / my / number / 1 / given / mobile .
5. there / go / you / alone ! do / to / want / still ?
6. any / you / is / now / have / what / she / idea / doing ?
left / l'd / have / to / any / like / we / if / know / time
London / you / why / told / are / you / haven't / for / leav ing / lllc '?
9. moment / gnyone / office / the / is / at / think / not / I / tlle / d() / iI1
l 0. idea / the / ask / theatre / to / way / it / a / him / good / was / to / tllc
L1 ll. 3anonHume nponycxu, aadae paaöenumenbuuû Bonpoc
&'% &A& Bonpop nepecnpoc:
A: l had a letter from Paul yesterday.
B: Oh, . . . ?
A: Yes, he says he's coming to stay with us this weekend
B: Really? That'll be nice, ... ?
A: You couldn't hold this door open for me, .. . ? l can't get the pram
through it.
B: Of course. lt's terrible how they design these doors
, . . .
? It lnakes
it so difficult for people in wheelchairs or with young children
A: How did you get in here?
B: l came in through the back door.
A.. Nobody saw you coming in, . . . ?
B: No, 1 don't think so.
A: You shotlldn't come and see lne like this
. lt's dangerous. Please
don't come here again, . .. ?
A: M ary and Tony are coming round for dinner tonight.
B: . . . ? 011, that'll be wonderful.
A: Yes. l thought you might like to come too
B: W ell yes, but you haven't seen them for a long time
. l expect you'd
like to talk to them on your own, . . . ?