IV. spotltllpallme meltcm. 8sl6Pp&me nooxooRujee no
jjil)f7 cMblcny cJ70eO Ja npB0nO#eHHBlX
3al1&t&&ll1O eRO C moût)'/
.1 kk
. .
, q +opMe, e Komopoû 0H0 OqVIKHO clFloflTlb e npe0nO*eHUU:
ice, door, quick, horror, care
l'ln not going to drive in tllis . . . weather. The roads are too .. . .
You don't want to Lake any risks, do you? But you can't be too . . . .
l've just heard the weather forecast and they say there's going to
be more snow. W e'd better stay .. . in weather like this.
1 think they ought to clear the snow off the roads more . . . .
V. spotllzlnailpe mexcm. Bbl6epume aodxodplqee no cvslc-i/
t/. jv ny croeo &2 npeono-eHtlblx. Danuœume eeo e moû WopMe,
e Kom opoû o/fo oon-Ho clDopm la e npeöno-eHuu:
') 1. flpotltlmaùme meKcm. Ssl6eptllpe noöxoonujee no cvslc-1
. ny cpoeo ua npedpo-easslx. 3anuwume eeo c moû *opve,
- ;
#.rY-. f-
e S0êFlO#0t) 0&O OGJIMIHO J/??OJI/FIS d np*0nO#eHtlU.'
qualify require, attend, advertise, j/nrrtpve
Dear Sir or Madam,
l've read your . . . in lnternational Business magazine concerning
y . . . for the course in the English language ..- . Could you tell me
what language ... are required? l'd also Iike to know if . .. at all
classes is obligatory.
p lI. flpovtllpailpe mellcm. Bsl6eptzrne nooxoonujte no cvslc-
(Q. ny cpoeo ua npeêzlo-el-slx. 3anuwume eeo e moû +opue,
f k ...
locality, pleasure, J-ftdpt./. confort, Jlc/r
This . .. hotel with its . .. gardens is ideal for people who want a
quiet holiday, yet it is only a short distance from the highly popular
attractions of the area. There are lovely views from every room. The
atlnosphere is very . . . , and the staff are always . . . . A holiday here is
vel'y good value for money. You can eat your meals at the hotel,
where the food tastes marvellous. Or you can of course try some of
the excellent . . . restaurants.
L$ 111. spotltllpalme meKcm. 8sl6eplJl)1e nooxooguqee no
V dpo-elflfslx. 3anuulume eao e moû
qtt f. cvslcpy clloeo ua npe
+opMe, e Komopoû oHo dozlllfl:o cmoRmb e npeono-etluu:
fortune, terrible, anxiety, ,5'/?tw??(?, come
l'm . . . to admit it, but airplanes . . . me. l get really . . . about fly-
ing. I can't stand being on a plane. l'm afraid of getting killed. And ...
there are no things l can do to . . . my fear.
construct, agree, wide, high, response
Architects . . . for the . . . of many skyscrapers believe that a tall
building 111:1st always have a certain minimum . . . but that there is no
limit to its absolute . . . . This means that the skyscrapers of the future
are Iikely to be even taller. Engineers agree with this, but there is
some . . . over the best shape for very tall buildings.
ov Vl. npouumaûme meKcm. Bsl6eptllzle nodxodklqee noJ
3anuw um e eao e m oû
,j;2,k>,, cuslcny cAoeo ua npedpo-eslfslx.
+opue, e Komopoû oHo doll->lo cmoHmb e npeono-eHuu:
revise, guide, press c
/#c/crlc-p, comnlunicate, tend
Students are under enormous . . . to Iearn huge amounts of
vocabulary but they are rarely given any . . . as to how to go about it.
They have a . . . to try and learn long lists by heart, but this is hardly
the most . . . approach to the problem. The golden rule is to do Iots of
. . . at regular intervals. They should also take every opportunity to use
the words in . . . .