2.5 Systems, Classification of Systems 45
2.5 Systems, Classification of Systems
A deterministic single-input single-output (SISO) system is a physical device
which has only one input u(t) and the result of this influence is an observable
output variable y(t). The same initial conditions and the same function u(t)
lead to the same output function y(t). This definition is easily extended to
deterministic multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems whose input variables
are u
(t) and output variables are y
(t). The concept of
asystemis based on the relation between cause and consequence of input and
output variables.
Continuous-time (CT) systems are systems with all variables defined for
all time values.
Lumped parameter systems have influence between an input and output
variables given by ordinary differential equations with derivatives with respect
to time. Systems with distributed parameters are described by partial differ-
ential equations with derivatives with respect to time and space variables.
If the relation between an input and output variable for deterministic CT
SISO system is given by ordinary differential equations with order greater than
one, then it is necessary for determination of y(t),t > t
to know u(t),t >
and output variable y(t
) with its derivatives at t
or some equivalent
information. The necessity of knowledge about derivatives avoids introduction
of concept of state.
Linear systems obey the law of superposition.
The systems described in Section 2.2 are examples of physical systems.
The systems determined only by variables that define a relation between the
system elements or between the system and its environment are called abstract.
Every physical system has a corresponding abstract model but not vice versa.
A notation of oriented systems can be introduced. This is every controlled
system with declared input and output variables.
The relation between objects (processes) and systems can be explained
as follows. If a process has defined some set of typical important properties
significant for our investigations then we have defined a system on the process.
We note that we will not further pursue special details and differences
between systems and mathematical relations describing their behaviour as it
is not important for our purposes.
Analogously as continuous-time systems were defined, discrete-time (DT)
systems have their variables defined only in certain time instants.
The process model examples were chosen to explain the procedure for sim-
plification of models. Usually, two basic steps were performed. Models given
by partial differential equations were transformed into ordinary differential
equations and nonlinear models were linearised. Step-wise simplifications of
process models led to models with linear differential equations. As computer
control design is based on DT signals, the last transformation is toward DT