8.6 Analysis of State Feedback with Observer and Polynomial Pole Placement 353
A versatile tool for Diophantine equations is Polynomial Toolbox for MAT-
LAB. Its use will be illustrated on examples.
Example 8.5:
Consider polynomials (see Example 8.4) a(s)=s
+5s +6, b(s)=s +6.
Find polynomials x(s), y(s) satisfying equation
for various choices of polynomial c(s). Polynomial Toolbox for MATLAB
will be used – function [x,y]=axbyc(a,b,c) where the function argu-
ments are the same as our polynomials.
Case: c(s)=1+s. Entering the following commands in MATLAB
>> a = 6 + 5*s+s^2;
>> b = 6 + s;
>> [x, y] = axbyc(a, b, 1+s)
gives the solution:
x = -0.42
y = 0.58 + 0.42 s
Case: c(s)=(1+s)
>> [x, y] = axbyc(a, b, (1+s)^2)
x = 2.1
y = 1.9 - 1.1 s
Case: c(s)=(1+s)
(note: inequality (8.347) holds)
>> [x, y] = axbyc(a, b, (1+s)^3)
x = -4.4 + s
y = 4.6 + 2.4 s
Case: c(s)=(1+s)
(note: inequality (8.347) does not hold)
>> [x1, y1] = axbyc(a, b, (1+s)^4)
x1 = 1.3 - 2.5 s + s^2
y1 = -1.2 + 2.2 s + 1.5 s^2
This is minimum degree solution where deg(x
) = deg(y
Case: c(s)=(1+s)
. Minimise the degree of polynomial x.
>> [x2, y2] = axbyc(a, b, (1+s)^4, ’minx’)
x2 = 52
y2 = -52 - 34s - 2 s^2 + s^3
Case: c(s)=(1+s)
. Minimise the degree of polynomial y.
>> [x2, y2] = axbyc(a, b, (1+s)^4, ’miny’)
x2 = 10 - s + s^2
y2 = -9.9 - 5.1s
Case: c =1+s. General solution of the form x(s)+f (s)t(s), y(s)+g(s)t(s)
is calculated where t(s) is arbitrary polynomial.
>> [x,y,f,g] = axbyc(a, b, 1+s)
x = -0.42
y = 0.58 + 0.42s
f = -0.6 - 0.1s