Jiemin Zhou and Ping Zhou
ć lower than that of the furnace chamber, and the temperature difference
between the electrode and the ambient is also great, therefore, the heat loss from
the electrode to the environment is remarkable. Near the brass clamp, heat flows
from the electrode towards the clamp because there is a water cooling system
Fig. 6.4 (c) is the isopotential line on the electrode plane section 1. The voltage
drop on the interface of the clamp and the electrode is 0.6
̚0.8V, which is about
one fifth of the total voltage drop. The isopotential line near the top of the furnace
has a relatively big slope, which means the electric conductivity of the electrode
paste changes greater there.
Fig. 6.4 (d) shows the isothermal line used to analyze the temperature
distribution in the electrode. It can be seen that the isothermal lines in the
electrode are very dense near the slag surface, which indicates an acute
variation of temperature. The electrode isothermal lines are very sparse in the
upper part of the furnace chamber, so the change of temperature is very smooth.
Meanwhile, there is a relatively big temperature gradient near the top of the
furnace because there is a dense distribution of isothermal line there. The
electrode enters the clamp at a temperature of 60
ć, and leaves the clamp at a
temperature of 200
ć. Its temperature is a little higher than 400ć when it is
near the top of the furnace. Therefore, the electrode paste above the top of the
furnace is generally in a state of fluid or plastic, and the paste will leak out if
there is a hole on the electrode casing. Between the clamp and the top of the
furnace, almost the whole weight of the electrode is born by the electrode
casing and fins and all the current passes through the casing and fins, thus, an
unsuitable operation or a bad welding of the electrode casing will easily result
in a soft-broken accident.
Fig. 6.5 shows the power density distribution of the electrode, whose four
plane sections have evident difference from each other. For the electrode
casing, at the clamp, there is a big contact electric resistance on the interface
of the clamp and the casing, so the current’s power density is very big, and it
increases with the descent of the electrode and the augmentation of the current
(see plane 1 and 2). When the electrode leaves the clamp, its power density
drops abruptly. However, with the slipping down of the electrode and the
increasing of the temperature, the electric resistance of the casing increases,
then the power density will increase continuously. With the increasing of the
temperature, the paste starts to conduct electric current, the current in the
casing decreases, the power density generally drops again. When the casing is
burned out, the difference of power density in the electrode will be very small.
Plane 4 is a section in the gap between the two clamps but not contacting
either of them, so there is no peak in the power density of the casing near
clamp. Inside the electrode, the paste under 400
ć has a poor electric