6 Simulation and Optimization of Electric Smelting Furnace
Simulation software
The electric and thermal field simulation software of electric smelting furnace
consists of electric field calculation component, temperature field calculation
component and drawing component. The circular iteration method is adopted
to solve such problems as electric conductivity of slag and thermal
conductivity of various refractory and insulation materials varying with
temperature. The unidimensional compression memory technology and
root-squaring method for linear equations are used to solve large scale
differential equation set.
The calculation results can be presented as isopotential lines, isothermal lines,
electric current field, heat flux field on the cross sections and longitudinal section
of the furnace, and can also be plotted as stereo distribution charts of electric
potential, temperature and electric power. The heat balance table, the star current,
delta current and total current of the electrode, the electrode -to-ground resistance,
the electric power, the slag average temperature, the nickel matte average
temperature, the charge consumption per day, and the electricity consumption of
calcine etc. can also be printed out. Sufficient useful information can be obtained
from the simulation.
Calculation results and verification
Simulation is implemented based on the No.2 furnace in Jinchuan Nonferrous
Metal Company, for conditions when the secondary voltage is 400V, electrode
insertion depth is 0.4m, height of nickel matte is 0.75m, slag height is 2.2m, slag
electric conductivity is 30 S/m (Si/Fe ratio in the slag is 1.2, and content of
magnesia is 10.6%), and the distance between the charge and the electrode is 0.4m.
Parts of the calculation results are shown in Fig. 6.15 to Fig. 6.22.
Fig. 6. 15 is the current distribution on the vertical cross section passing the
electrode (sketch of this cross section is shown in Fig. 6.14 (b)), which presents
the relative magnitude and direction of the current. Fig. 6.16 is the isopotential
line on this cross section. It can be seen that the potential gradient is big around
the electrode, but drops smoothly in the region that is far away from the electrode.
Fig. 6.17 is the stereo potential distribution on this cross section, which shows the
variation of electric potential on the whole section more visually. Fig. 6.18 is the
heat flux on the cross section. The heat mainly comes from electricity near the
electrode, and most of the heat flows towards the charge, while some dissipates
through slag surface, cooling water and furnace wall.