usually hydraulically, so
that small variations in speed can be "sel;.u i
a proper control signal transmitted to the valves or deflectors -..ilr!*,
control the water pressure.
The industry standard governor
is a Woodward Type UG, hydraulic
turbine control. The same governor that is used on large hydroelectric
plants is th
e one that is used on microhydropower plants. This governor . .
capable of an output of 8 foot pounds of torque.
This output is adequate
to power some methods of speed control such as operation of deflector,, t,:
deflect the water emitted from the nozzles of a small Pelton wheel. If a
means of conservjng water is desired for a plant operating from res;:rvo'r
storage, the governor signal must be amplified again to be able to close a
valve to adjust flow.
The second stage of amplification is usually
accomplished by a larger hydraulic pump that actuates a ram to move the
valve actuator.
This actuator must respond quickly enough to maintain
adequate frequency control,
but the flow of water cannot be changed so
rapidly that damage to the penstock occurs.
Governors are able to provide
speed control for a microhydropower installation in the range of 85% of
full load speed to 110% full load speed.
4,8.12.2 Load Controllers. Many small hydra plants are using
electrical and electronic control schemes.
Frequency can be measured
electronically and compared against a set point. If the frequency measured
is low, i.e.,
the system is overloaded, then a low-priority load can be
deenergized. This method is referred to as Electrical Relaying. Loads can
be added or dropped in discrete units. Obviously, the type of load that
can be started and stopped often must be one that will not create a hazard,
an inconvenience, or a premature equipment failure by being automatically
switched in and out. The best loads for intermittent switching are
electric heating loads.
Motors will overheat and can fail if started and
stopped too often.
The development of solid-state electronics has provided many devices
that switch much faster and are as reliable as the older electromechanical
Some of the solid--state switching devices are used only for
electronic logic and signalling, while others are able to handle power