If the head fluctuation is erratic, which is typical of small
impoundment structures, you can use the average head for the rough first
cut at calculating power.
Once you have selected a flow for the
preliminary design, you should estimate the effect of that flow on the
reservoir drawdown. If your turbine uses less flow than is normally
discharged, the effect is minimal.
However, if the turbine uses more than
the normal flow, the drawdown will be faster, and if the turbine's flow
requirement is high enough, i"
L may have to cycle on and off to prevent
total drawdown.
3.4.2 Distance Measurement for Run-of-the-Stream Site
For run-of-the-stream sites,
the distance from the intake structure to
the powerhouse must be known to determine the length and size of the
penstock and estimate the cost.
As mentioned in Subsection 3.2, it is a
good. idea initially to lay out the system on a USGS contour map. Once the
locations for the intake power canal,
penstock intake, and powerhouse are
proposed, select the shortest unobstructed distance between these
locations. Remove brush and similar material., stake the proposed
locations, and measure the distance along the line staked. A 100-foot
steel tape is preferred so that the tape can be pulled tight (5 to 10 pound
pull) for each measurement. Start at one location and measure to the
other, recording each measurement.
A common mistake in distance
measurement is forgetting to record a measurement.
One way to keep this
from happening is to have both persons record each measurement and to make
sure that the correct number is recorded before moving to make the next
measurement. The total distance between the points is the sum of all the
3.5 Determining Design Capacity, Head, and Flow for
Category 1 Developers
i't,? information in this subsection is for Category 1 developers, those
who want to be energy independent.
The hydropower system will only be
designed to supply the power needs of the developer. Category 2 developers ,