9. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 97
Heat source is referred to any hot heat reservoir. In a gasoline engine, the heat
source is the combustion chamber at the moment that the compressed gases are
ignited and burn due to the action of a spark plug. In a jet engine or gas turbine
power plant, the heat source is the combustion chamber where compressed air en-
ters to mix with the injected fuel for combustion. In a fossil plant, the heat source
is the boiler. In a BWR, the heat source is the reactor vessel and in a PWR, the
heat source is the secondary side of the steam generator.
Heat Sink refers to any cold heat reservoir. In a gasoline engine, the heat sink
is the radiator. In a power plant located next to a large body of water, the heat
sink is the condenser. Power plants not having access to large bodies of water use
cooling towers as heat sinks. In a heated room with no windows, the heat sink
consists of the ceiling, the floor, and the walls. If an air conditioning unit is now
installed to cool this room and we assume the walls quickly reach thermal equilib-
rium with the room, the primary heat sink for the room is the air conditioning unit.
This is however, an intermediate heat sink as eventually heat is transferred to the
surroundings. As a result, the environment is the ultimate heat sink.
Cycle is a process that, after completion, brings the system to its original state.
As a result, the net change in any property of the system is zero. As an example,
consider the motion of piston in cylinder of Figure IIa.9.1. We may start from a
point where the piston is fully inserted and gas is at the highest pressure. The first
process or path includes the expansion of the gas, which forces the piston to the
bottom of the cylinder. This also turns the flywheel. The second process is when
the stored energy in the flywheel pushes the piston back to its original position
completing one cycle.
Clausius statement of the second law deals with the transfer of energy from a
heat sink to a heat source. Simply stated, the Clausius statement specifies that “it
is impossible for any device to operate in a cycle and produce no effect other than
the transfer of energy by heat from the heat sink to the heat source.” In other
words, the Clausius statement clarifies that the operation of heat pumps and re-
frigerators is possible only if work is provided to the device (compressor) to ac-
complish the task of removing heat from a heat sink and transferring it to the heat
Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law deals with the transfer of energy
from a heat source to a heat sink. This statement specifies that “it is impossible
for any device to operate in a cycle and produce work with only a heat source.” In
other words, the Kelvin-Planck statement clarifies that no power plant can operate
with a boiler, an engine, or a combustion chamber but without a radiator, a cooling
tower, or a condenser.
Reversible process as defined earlier refers to a process that, if applied to a
system, can be reversed exactly to the initial state with no change in the system or
its surroundings. A reversible process is hard to achieve and can only be ap-
proached in a carefully planned and executed process. Examples of processes that
can approach a reversible process include a smooth converging-diverging nozzle.