148 Chapter 4
the size of the deposited film is small (10–20 mm or 0.4–0.8 inches in diameter),
resulting from the small size of the laser impact spot
the ‘splashing effect’ [70], which involves the production of microparticles between
0.1 and 10 m in size, diminishes film quality.
The main advantages of this technique are:
the production of high-energy species, which enhances film quality
reflectivity of most materials for lasers with short wavelengths (ultraviolet (UV)) is
much lower than long infrared (IR) wavelengths [71]. When the reflectivity decreases,
a larger part of a laser pulse is absorbed, increasing the number of ablated particles.
Also, the absorption coefficient is larger in the UV region, such that the beam energy is
absorbed in a thin surface layer and the ablation occurs more efficiently
excellent transfer of stoichiometry between the target and the film, for example, the
deposition of hydroxyl apatite thin films for biomedical applications such as implants.
The macroparticle density can be decreased by lowering the power level at the expense
of deposition rate. The latter may not be important for many thin film applications.
The question of large area deposition has been recently addressed by Greer [72].He
constructed a vacuum deposition system in which the laser beam is scanned on a
rotating YBCO target and the substrate is itself rotated. This rather complex apparatus
is capable of depositing YBCO films onto 2- or 3-inch diameter substrates. Co-evaporation Processes
Preparation of thin films by magnetron sputtering has been a very popular method for decades.
There have been a few successful attempts to prepare a variety of nanoparticles with
sputtering. Qiu and Wang reported that the L1
phase of FePt nanoparticles can be controlled
by modifying magnetron sputtering [73]. Also, non-convention (FeCo)
nanoparticles can be prepared by combined sputtering and evaporation
techniques [74]. (FeCo)
nanoparticles prepared by this technique showed a three-fold
increase in saturation magnetization compared with that of iron oxide nanoparticles and a
better oxidation resistance of the FeCo nanoparticles. Bai and Wang [75] used the same
technique to prepare (FeCo)
core shell nanoparticles by natural oxidation after the
preparation of the particles. The set-up, which combines sputtering and evaporation, is shown
in Figure 4.9. This system combines two different PVD processes and has proven to be useful
in enhancing different properties of materials, e.g. in the case of magnetic nanoparticles
oxidation of the nanoparticles could be prevented. As reported by Bai and Wang [75],two
kinds of in situ methods, namely sputtering and evaporation, were used to deposit the shell
layers on the surface of FeCo nanoparticles during their flight in the shell-deposition chamber.
The formation of the core/shell structure needs low velocity of FeCo nanoparticles, high