2.3 Types of piston pins 33
2.2.5 Wear
Boundary lubrication conditions cannot be avoided under all operating conditions. There-
fore, the contact between the piston pin and the small end bore and the pin boss bore
must also have sufficient boundary lubrication properties and be wear-resistant. This can be
achieved easily with high surface quality and hardness of the piston pin. They are therefore
case-hardened or nitrided.
In the case of particularly high requirements for the surface, such as in motorsport, or if a
non-bushed connecting rod is used, the sliding characteristics (friction, wear resistance) can
be significantly improved by an additional PVD or DLC coating (physical vapor deposition,
PVD; diamond-like carbon, DLC). Coatings of this type allow very high surface pressures and
reduce friction.
2.2.6 Weight
By reducing the piston pin mass, the total oscillating mass can be reduced. The contribution
of the piston pin to the oscillating mass is typically between 10 and 30%.
2.3 Types of piston pins
In most applications, the tubular or cylindrical piston pin (Figure 2.9) has been accepted as
the standard design. It optimally fulfills requirements with regard to simple geometry and
economical manufacture.
In order to reduce the inertial forces of drive unit components moving back and forth (oscil-
lating), the mechanically less loaded ends of the pin bore which are mechanically less loaded
can be designed conically to save weight (Figure 2.10).
Another piston pin variant, used especially for highly loaded diesel engines, is the inner con-
tour piston pin (Figure 2.11). The wall thickness of the piston pin is reinforced specifically in
the connecting rod area, while the ends of the piston pin contribute to mass reduction with
a conical design.
For critical stresses in the pin boss and if the design options for the piston have been
exhausted, the piston pin with a profiled outer contour can provide a solution (Figure 2.12).
The outer surfaces of these piston pins are slightly retracted (approx. 20 to 40 μm) by profile