Nuclide Charts 33
At higher atomic numbers, this value increases indicating a higher ratio of neutrons
to protons in heavy atoms.
The extremities of the white regions above and below the region of stability are
known as the proton and neutron “drip-lines” beyond which nuclei are extremely
unstable (i.e. if a nucleon is added it will “drip” out again). As nucleons are succes-
sively added to a nucleus on the stability line, the binding energy of the last nucleon
decreases steadily until it is no longer bound and the nucleus decays by either neutron
or proton emission.
Nuclei with even numbers of protons and neutrons are more stable than nuclei
with other combinations of neutrons and protons. For uneven numbers of protons and
neutrons, there are only very few stable nuclides. The stability of nuclei is extremely
significant for special numbers of protons and neutrons. These (magic) numbers are
2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126 and correspond to full shells in the shell model of the
nucleus. The element tin with the proton number Z = 50, for example, has 10 stable
isotopes, more than all other elements.
When the proton and neutron numbers both have magic values, the nucleus is said
to be “doubly magic”. Doubly magic, stable nuclides are for example
He, the alpha
particle, as well as the nuclide
Pb, which is reached in several decay processes,
for example in the decay chain of
In addition to providing the most important basic nuclear data, the charts allow
one to trace out radioactive decay processes and neutron reaction paths. This feature
is described in more detail in the following section.
The Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart [9] is described in detail at the end of this chapter.
The Strasbourg Nuclide Chart [10] was developed by Dr. Mariasusai Antony
from the Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg. Approximately 5000 copies of the
1992 version were sold in more than 40 countries. This original version contained
data on approximately 2550 ground states and 571 isomers. An updated version was
published in 2002. The new chart displays about 2900 isotopes in the ground states
and about 700 isomers. The chart is a booklet of 44 A4 formatted pages. The front
cover page exhibits a stork, symbol of the region of Alsace for which Strasbourg is
the capital. The colours blue, white and red (actually reddish-brown) were chosen to
indicate the tri-colours of France.
Continuing a half-century tradition, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL)
has recently published the 16th edition (2003) of its Chart of the Nuclides in both
wallchart and textbook versions [8]. The first edition was published by the General
Electric Company in 1946. Evaluated nuclear data is given for about 3100 known
nuclides and 580 known isomers. For each nuclide the half-life, atomic mass, decay
modes, relative abundances, nuclear cross-section, and other nuclear properties are
detailed. The updated chart includes approximately 300 new nuclides and 100 new
isomers not found in the 15th (1996) edition. There has been at least one change in
more than 95% of the squares on the chart.
The first edition of the JAERI nuclide chart was published in February 1977.
Since then the chart has been revised every 4 years, i.e. 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992,
1996, with the most recent edition appearing in 2000 [11]. In total, seven editions
have been published. Approximately 2000 copies of each edition were printed, most