16 1. Origins and Discovery
• r processes (rapid neutron capture processes, starting from iron group nuclei,
produce nuclei far from the line of stability),
• rp processes (similar to the r-processes, but involve successive proton absorptions),
• X processes (spallation of heavier elements into lighter elements by cosmic rays).
Light elements were probably produced in the early history of the galaxy whereas
heavy elements were formed in supernovae.
According to current theory, the universe is about 10
years old and started as a
“soup” of quarks at enormous temperatures and pressures. As the universe expanded,
the temperature and pressure decreased rapidly to the point where neutrons and pro-
tons condensed out. Shortly after, nuclear fusion took place and led to the formation
of deuterons followed by tritons and onto helium-3 nuclei and alpha particles (hy-
drogen burning), thereby giving rise to the present hydrogen to helium ratio of 3:1.
In addition, some lithium-6 and lithium-7 were produced at this time. As the universe
further expanded and cooled, the fusion reactions stopped and the gases condensed
and eventually led to the formation of stars consisting of the primordial elements.
As a cloud of interstellar gas contracts and condenses to form a star, the tem-
perature will rise as the gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
When the temperature increases to 10
K and beyond, fusion reactions will begin
to take place and further nucleosynthesis leads to the conversion of the elements
hydrogen and helium to carbon, silicon, oxygen, sulphur and heavier elements up
to iron. Fusion can proceed no further than iron since this element has the high-
Fig. 1.10. Vela supernova remnant.
© Anglo-Australian Observatory,
photo from UK Schmidt, plates by
David Malin