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Obviously, when the feedback gain A is positive, the system (15.4) can be
considered as the system (15.1) with a larger damping. As we know, the increasing
of the damping can reduce the erosion of safe basins [9, 10]. Therefore, one can
explain why the safe basin in (15.2) is enlarged when the delay increases from 0.
Besides, one can also conclude that the safe basin in (15.2) will be eroded when the
feedback gain is negative and the delay increases from 0, which is verified by the
dashing-dot line in Fig. 15.4.
15.4 Conclusions
Some investigation has been made on the evolution of the broaching attracting basin
of a nonlinear yaw equation model of a ship with delayed position feedbacks. The
fourth Runge-Kutta and Monte Carlo methods are employed to observe effects on
safe basins when time delay is considered as the control parameter. For a short delay,
the mechanism of the evolution of safe basin is analyzed. Some important results are
obtained as below:
(a) Similar to the case in ordinary differential system, the increasing of excitation
amplitude can lead to the erosion of the safe basin under delayed position feed-
back control.
(b) The basin area is not a monotonic function of the delay for the delayed position
feedback control.
(c) For negative feedbacks, the increasing of the delay aggravates the erosion of
safe basins. For positive feedbacks, the delay can be indeed used to reduce the
erosion of safe basins. The erosion can be reduced when the delay is short, but
a long time delay makes the erosion more sudden and severe.
(d) The sudden erosion of the safe basin caused by the increasing of the delay in
delayed position feedback controlled system can be ascribed to the hetero-clinic
tangency of the manifolds. It is well known that the hetero-clinic tangency of
the stable and unstable manifolds may yield chaos. The results provide the pos-
sibility to control chaos that occurs in the system.
Acknowledgments This work is supported by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission under
Grant No. YYY08004, Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project under Grant No. J51501,
and National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10902071.
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