Pancke was deeply distressed by what, in his view, were unjust re-
proaches and responded with a self-assured and angry letter: ‘From her
youth my wife has been a National Socialist and at the age of 35 and as
the mother of 4 children she has the maturity and experience of life not to
need today to be instructed and directed by me.’
Pancke’s anger was not surprising, for Himmler had on occasions ex-
pressed criticism of the behaviour of wives that in essence was aimed at the
SS leaders themselves, who were, it was implied, incapable of instructing
and directing their wives as he saw fit: ‘I disagree with several things about
the way the wives of SS leaders appear in public,’ Himmler declared to the
hrer in 1936, for example, ‘I am opposed to SS wives wearing
make-up and going about with painted faces.’ Make-up, he claimed, was
merely the inferior tendency of those of lesser races [ . . . ]. And our foolish German
women, precisely those of superior race, think they have to copy this stupid
fashion. In my opinion, anyone who piles on make-up—and I’m never petty
about this—anyone who gets herself up like a half-caste is completely forgetting
that she is denying her own good blood. [ . . . ] I at any rate intend, if I encounter
extreme examples in company, to speak to the women about it.
He was also ‘opposed to SS women smoking in public’. In Berlin, ‘this
swamp and mass grave of our nation,’ he had in addition noticed that ‘the
16- and 17-year old daughters of party comrades, even sometimes of SS
members, were already appearing prominently by invitation at large state
festivities [ . . . ] If we do not wish to bring up a generation of good-for-
nothings, I would like urgently to request that SS leaders, those in high
positions in particular, bring up their children in a simple and austere fashion
[ . . . ] The same goes for the sons.’
Himmler’s intervention in the married life of his men could take on
drastic proportions. This was true in the case of Erwin Ro
sener, the Higher
SS and Police Leader for the Alps: he approached Wolff in April 1942 with
the request that he inform Himmler cautiously that Ro
sener’s second
marriage had also broken down as the result of his being the prospective
father of an illegitimate child. He was, he said, ashamed of appearing before
the Reichsfu
hrer and saying to him, ‘Reichsfu
hrer, here I am for the second
time, causing you this unhappiness’.
After the divorce, and when Ro
sener had
remarried, Himmler consistently exploited Ro
sener’s weakness and started to
keep his marriage under regular surveillance. He admonished him to go
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