of a greeting “Hail to you” being used in the SS. Since I have been a
National Socialist SS man the greeting has been “Heil Hitler”.’ Further-
more, wrote Himmler to Berger, it was his wish that in future Steiner be
addressed by his SS rank and not as general. In addition, he was to be so
good as to desist from ‘the backbiting tone that quite a few men in the
‘Viking’ division still feel free to use towards me as Reichsfu
hrer-SS in their
conversations in the mess, etc.’.
Only a month later Himmler wrote to Steiner directly, because the
deployment of an SS-Oberscharfu
hrer on the staff of the ‘Viking’ division
that he had ordered had been arbitrarily changed. Admittedly, he avoided
putting the blame on Steiner himself, but rather expressed ‘the expectation
that you will find the guilty man on your staff and will, by means of an
exemplary punishment, lend my orders the weight I must require [ . . . ]. I
must also say here candidly that even in the messes of the Viking division it
should be unheard of for SS leaders to discuss the actions of the Reichsfu
in a tone of criticism that goes beyond the proper limits of mess discussions.’
Since his warning the month before, therefore, there had clearly been no
change. Himmler insisted that ‘the last trace of this spirit in the leadership of
the Germanic corps be extirpated completely and that orders from the
hrer-SS be carried out blindly, unconditionally, and without hesi-
After Steiner had assured him of his loyalty, Himmler let him
know that as far as he was concerned the matter was closed. ‘I have absolute
confidence in you.’
In a letter of March 1943 Himmler levelled serious accusations at Paul
Hausser, the commanding general of the 2nd SS Tank Corps, but in the end
went no further than a reprimand. On his own initiative Hausser had
approached the supreme army command of the Wehrmacht to which his
tank corps was subordinated and requested replacement personnel from
among members of the Wehrmacht (in this case a Luftwaffe division
assigned to an army formation). Himmler was critical:
You cannot expect me, as Reichsfu
hrer-SS and founder of the SS, with my own
hand to reduce to rubble the foundation on which the successes of your tank corps
were ultimately built, namely racial and human selection and education. The
moment I make a move to integrate a division of the army or air force, lock,
stock, and barrel, into my old divisions, we might as well give up. I doubt very
much, dear Hausser, for all that I acknowledge your merits, if you can take that
upon yourself. Even in the exigencies of war neither you nor your chief of staff can
resort to actions that tie my hands as Reichsfu
342 himmler as educator