7. Conclusion 43
Acknowledgements 44
References 44
3. Insights in the Organi zation and Dynamics of Erythrocyte Lipid Rafts 49
Ulrich Salzer, Ursula Hunger, and Rainer Prohaska
1. The Erythrocyte Membrane 51
2. Lipid Rafts 52
2.1. Lipid Phases in Model Membranes and Cell Membranes 52
2.2. Mutual Influence Between Lipid Phases and Proteins 53
2.3. Detergent-Resistant Membranes 55
2.4. Experimental Evidence for Lipid Rafts 55
2.5. A Revised Version of the Lipid Raft Hypothesis 56
3. DRMs of the Erythrocyte Membrane 57
3.1. Evidence for the Association of the Cytoskeleton with DRMs 58
3.2. The Erythrocyte Cytoskeleton – DRM Complex: Possible Connections 65
4. Exovesiculation of Erythrocytes 66
4.1. Cell Shape and Exovesiclulation 67
4.2. DRMs of Exovesicles 68
5. Lipid Rafts of Erythrocytes: Hypothetical Considerations 70
5.1. Rafts, Membrane Curvature and Vesiculation: Theoretical Considerations 72
5.2. Rafts and Erythrocyte Vesiculation 72
5.3. Rafts and Malarial Infection 74
6. Conclusions 75
References 75
4. Interactions of Erythroid and Nonerythroid Spectrins and
other Membrane-Skeletal Proteins with Lipid Mono- and Bilayers
Aleksander F. Sikorski, Aleksander Czogalla, Anita Hryniewicz-Jankowska,
Ewa Bok, Ewa Plaz
uk, Witold Diakowski, Anna Chorzalska, Adam Kolondra,
Marek Langner, and Micha" Grzybek
1. Introduction 82
2. Spectrin-Based Membrane Skeleton 83
3. Interactions of Erythroid and Nonerythroid Spectrins with
Lipid Mono- and Bilayers and other Amphipathic Ligands 84
3.1. Interaction of Erythroid Spectrin with Phospholipid Mono-
and Bilayers, a Historical Perspective of Seventies and Early Eighties 84
3.2. Binding Lipid Mono- and Bilayers by Spectrins 86
3.3. Interactions of Erythroid and Nonerythroid Spectrins
with Monolayers Prepared from Anionic Phospholipids 88
3.4. Lipidic Spectrin-Binding Sites in Natural Membranes 88
3.5. Dependence of Spectrin-Binding on the Fluidity of the Mono- and Bilayers 88
3.6. Binding of Amphipatic Compounds by Spectrins 89
4. Spectrin–Lipid Interactions; a Molecular Approach 89
4.1. Lipid-Binding Sites in Spectrins 89