36.4.6 Shelf Life
The shelf life of fresh, unused (charged) rechargeable alkaline-manganese dioxide batteries
is about the same as that of the primary batteries (20 to 25% loss after 3 to 4 years when
stored at room temperature). The data for capacity losses after high-temperature storage are
shown in Fig. 36.14.
FIGURE 36.14 Capacity retention of mercury-free rechargeable zinc /
alkaline / manganese dioxide AA-size batteries at 20⬚C. (Courtesy of Battery
Technologies, Inc.)
The shelf life of cycled cells depends on whether they are stored in a charged or a
discharged condition. Batteries stored in a charged state after cycling show about the same
losses as a fresh uncycled battery. Storage of batteries in a discharged condition, particularly
at elevated temperatures (65
⬚C) may be detrimental to the anode performance on subsequent
cycles. However, under normal usage, batteries can be recharged close to the capacity level
of the previous cycle.
In the charging process for the zinc/ alkaline/ manganese dioxide cell, the discharged positive
active material, manganese oxyhydroxide (MnOOH), is oxidized to manganese dioxide
) and the zinc oxide (ZnO) in the negative is reduced to metallic zinc. Manganese
dioxide can be further oxidized to higher oxides (Mn
compounds) which are soluble,
resulting in loss of rechargeability. Therefore proper recharging is important to obtain opti-
mum life. Charging over 1.72 V per cell for days or over 1.68 V per cell for weeks can
damage the battery. Batteries should not be charged after 105% of the ampere-hours removed
have been replaced. Batteries can be float-charged for extended periods at 1.65 V per cell.
36.5.1 Constant-Potential Charging
Constant-potential charging is the preferred method. This is equivalent to a taper current
charge method. The voltage on charge should not exceed 1.65 to 1.68 V. If charging is
continued at higher voltages, current will continue to flow and some damage to the cell can
be expected due to increased anode corrosion by the soluble Mn
species. If the end voltage
is set to below 1.65 V, the charging takes longer and the cell may not be fully charged
overnight, but the cycle life of the battery is improved. Figure 36.15 shows the voltage and
current profiles during the charge. A constant potential charger using a voltage regulator
such as a LM317 device is shown in Fig. 36.16.