740 Chapter 6
high in activated-sludge processes, their surface overflow rate and weir
overflow rate should be adjusted for the various modified processes to
minimize the problems with sludge loadings, density currents, inlet
hydraulic turbulence, and occasional poor sludge settle-ability. The size
of the secondary settling tank must be based on the large surface area
determined for surface overflow rate and solids loading rate. Table 6.20
presents the design criteria for secondary clarifiers following activated-
sludge processes (GLUMRB, 1996). The values given in Tables 6.19 and
6.20 are comparable.
Solids loading rate is of primary importance to insure adequate func-
tion in the secondary settling tanks following aeration basins. In practice,
most domestic wastewater plants have values of solids volume index in
the range of 100 to 250 mg/L (WEF and ASCE, 1991a). Detail discussions
of the secondary clarifier can be found in this manual. Most design engi-
neers prefer to keep the maximum solids loading rates in the range of
4 to 6 kg/(m
⭈ h) (20 to 30 lb/(d ⭈ ft
)). Solids loadings rates of 10 kg/(m
⭈ h)
(50 lb/(d ⭈ ft
) or more have been found in some well-operating plants.
The maximum allowable hydraulic loading rate HLR as a function of
the initial settling velocity ISV at the design MLSS concentration was
proposed by Wilson and Lee (1982). The equation is expressed as follows:
where HRT ⫽ hydraulic retention time, h
Q ⫽ limiting hydraulic capacity, m
A ⫽ area of the clarifier, m
24 ⫽ unit conversion factor, 24 h/d
ISV ⫽ initial settling velocity at the design MLSS
concentration, m/h
CSF ⫽ clarifier safety factor, 1.5 to 3, typically 2
The values of ISV change with MLSS concentrations and other condi-
tions. Batch-settling analyses should be performed. The maximum antic-
ipated operational MLSS or the corresponding minimum ISV should be
used in Eq. (6.151).
Numerous state regulations limit the maximum allowable weir load-
ing rates to 124 m
/(d ⭈ m) (10,000 gal/(d ⭈ ft)) for small plants (less than
3785 m
/d or 1 Mgal/d) and to 186 m
/(d ⭈ m) (15,000 gal/(d ⭈ ft)) for larger
treatment plants (WEF and ASCE, 1991a). It is a general consensus that
substantially high weir loading rates will not impair performance.
The depth of secondary clarifiers is commonly designed as 4 to 5 m
(13 to 16 ft). The deeper tanks increase TSS removal and RAS concen-
tration as well as costs. Typically, the larger the tank diameter, the
deeper the sidewall depth. The shapes of settling tanks include rectan-
gular, circular, and square. A design example of a secondary clarifier
HRT 5 Q/A 5 24 3 ISV/CSF