state fish contaminant monitoring program. The degree of fish con-
sumption use support attainment can be found in Table 2.11.
Overall use. After assessing individual lake uses, the overall use sup-
port of a lake can be determined. The overall use support methodology
aggregates the use support attained for each of the individual lake uses
assessed (i.e. aquatic life, recreation, swimming, drinking water supply,
and fish consumption). The aggregation is achieved by averaging indi-
vidual use attainments for a lake. For instance, individual uses meet-
ing full, full/threatened, partial/minor, partial/moderate, or nonsupport
are assigned values from five (5) to one (1), respectively. The values
assigned to each individual use are subsequently summed and averaged.
The average value is rounded down to the next whole number, which is
then applied to assign an overall lake use attainment. Full support
attainment is assigned to an average value of 5; full/threatened, 4; partial/
minor, 3; partial/moderate, 2; and nonsupport, 1.
Example: The mean TSI is determined by averaging 18 months’ SD-TSI, TP-
TSI, and CHL-TSI values at station 1-surface (deepest station) and station
2-surface (midlake station) of a central Illinois lake, for values of 54.3 and 58.9,
respectively. All Secchi disc readings were greater than 24 in. The mean of
nonvolatile suspended solids concentrations observed during 1996–97 at sta-
tions 1-surface and 2-surface are 5 and 7 mg/L, respectively. Estimated macro-
phyte impairment and other observed data are given in Table 2.12. Determine
support of designated uses in the lake based on Illinois lake-use support
assessment criteria.
solution: Solve for station 1 (Steps 1 to 5); then station 2 (Step 6) can be
solved in the same manner
Lakes and Reservoirs 165
TABLE 2.11 Assessment Criteria for Fish Consumption Use in Illinois Lakes
Degree of use support Criteria
Full No fish advisories or bans are in effect.
Partial/moderate Restricted consumption fish advisory or ban in effect for
general population or a subpopulation that could be at
potentially greater risk (pregnant women, children).
Restricted consumption is defined as limits on the number or
meals or size of meals consumed per unit time for one or
more fish species. In Illinois, this is equivalent to a Group II
Nonsupport No consumption fish advisory or ban in effect for general
population for one or more fish species; commercial fishing
ban in effect. In Illinois, this is equivalent to a Group III
SOURCE: Illinois EPA (1996)