276 Nuclear Medicine Physics
there is no true bisection: given the previous triplet (a, b, c), the new point,
x, tested will be at a fraction of 0.38197 of the largest segment measured
from the central point. This procedure guarantees a golden ratio
the points of the triplet, even if it was initiated without its existence; and so,
it assures a linear convergence in the search for the minimum. In situations
where the function is smoother, a faster technique to search for the minimum
can be used, based on a parabolic interpolation. In this case, for the triplet of
abscissae (a, b, c) and ordinates ( f (a), f (b), f (c)), the parabola that contains
them is calculated; and from this, the value of x that is the minimum of the
parabola’s abscissa is found. For noncolinear points we, thus, have
x = b −
(b −a)
f (b) −f (c)
−(b −c)
f (b) −f (a)
(b −a)
f (b) −f (c)
−(b −c)
f (b) −f (a)
. (6.65)
After finding the point x, which is the minimum in a given direction, the
algorithm tests a new direction searching for a new minimum, and so on.
Other methods besides those described above are commonly used in image
registration, in particular genetic algorithms and simulated annealing.
Genetic algorithms are implemented as a computational simulation that
emulates biological evolution to solve a given problem [153–155]. It is, thus,
not uncommon to find characteristics such as heredity, mutation, selection,
andrecombinationin genetic algorithms. For a given problem,a setof possible
solutions (population) is given to the algorithm, along with an objective func-
tion that is used to evaluate each particular solution (candidate). The initial
solutions are usually randomly obtained, and it is hoped that the algorithm
will improve them with time. The candidates differ by a set of abstract char-
acteristics that have meaning for the problem being solved. The candidates
are scored and depending on the score are selected to be reproduced, thereby
generating a new population. The candidates of the new population will be
different from the previous ones, despite heredity, due to recombination and
eventual mutation of their characteristics. The stopping criterion of the algo-
rithm can be the number of generations produced or the level established for
the objective function.
Simulated annealing is inspired, as the name implies, from the tempering
of a metal by annealing. This technique involves heating a metal to its melting
point and then cooling it slowly. The heat causes a change in the positions
of atoms, which are in a state of minimum energy, promoting random rear-
rangements of higher energy. The slow cooling facilitates the establishment of
settings with less energy than the original one. The simulated annealing algo-
rithm was independently proposedby Kirkpatrick et al. [156] and Cerny [157],
using the Metropolis algorithm [158]. Similar to the metallurgical process, the
simulated annealing algorithm replaces the current solution by another that
A golden ratio is algebraically defined as a triplet of points
a, b, c
on a straight line, similar to
those in the relation
ab = ab