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Biometric and User Data, Binding of
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Key binding; Secure biometrics; Template protection
‘‘User data’’ stands for the private information of the
biometric system user, for example the identity num-
ber, e-mail address or any other significant or insignif-
icant character string, which can be transformed into
ASCII code in computer systems. Binding of biometric
and user data is a method which aims to solve the
issues of security and privacy involved with biometric
system. As an important method of Biometric
Encryption, binding of biometric and user data has
two main functions, one is protecting the biometric
template from attacks, where cancelable biometric
templates can be generated; and the other is embed-
ding user data into the biometric template, where user
data w ill be reproduced if and only if biometric match-
ing succeeds.
As an identity authentication method, biometrics bases
recognition on an intrinsic aspect of the human being
and the use of biometrics requires the person to be
authenticated as physically present at the point of the
authentication [1]. With more and more application
examples, biometrics recognition system exposes some
intrinsic def ects; the most serious is the security and
privacy issue involved with raw biometric data [2].
Biometric data is difficult to cancel in case it is lost or
obtained by an attacker. The lost biometric may be
used for cross-matching between different databases
and can bring disastrous results to user data. Because
of this kind of hidden dang er, people resort to a more
secure biometric system, called Biometric Encryption
or Biometric Cryptosystems [3]. Amo ng the various
methods of Biometric Encryption, binding of biomet-
ric and user data is the most practical and promising
one, which is named Key Binding Method. This is
different from the other key-related method: Key Re-
lease (Fig. 1).
The commonly collected user data includes name,
any form of ID number, age, gender, and e-mail ad-
dress, etc. The user data which is bound with bio metric
in the algorithm layer, say e-mail address or social
security ID, should be protected from being stolen by
the attackers, while the nonsensitive data can be open.
In the enrollment stage of the Biometric Encryption
system, the biometric feature extraction procedure is
the same as in the traditional system. After the feature is
obtained, it will be bound with user data (e.g., identity
number, password, etc) in some way, thus yielding a
cancelable biometric template, which will be stored as a
private template and used to match the query samples.
In the matching stage, the user provides his/her bio-
metric and the user-specific data to the biometric sys-
tem. Then, the same feature extraction and binding
procedure will be conducted inside the system. The
two private templates are compared in the traditional
Biometric and User Data, Binding of