very strong signal of NADH only, it was possible to
show that the fluorescence of NADH was unchanged
until the oxy/deoxy transition of hemoglobin was almost
complete in a system in which functional activity was
measured by the photoaction potential of an animal
model, removing any doubt about the higher oxygen
affinity of cytochrome in vivo as compared to hemo-
globin (, 20 Torr). This was a very important milestone
for physiologists, who know that the deoxygenation
of hemoglobin is very high and the critical pO
mitochondrial function is compromised. Thus, the
calibration of tissue oximeters in the region of intra-
venous saturation of hemoglobin (i.e., 20–30%) must
be precisely measured to indicate critical tissue hypoxia
in vivo. This indeed was subsequently validated by
measurements of tissue energetics through phosphorus
nuclear magnetic resonance (
P NMR), particularly by
measurements of the phosphocreatine:phosphate ratio.
NIR Spectroscopy
Jobsis used Kramer’s technique to measure in the
infrared, and developed a technology for the measure-
ment of absorption of the copper component of
cytochrome oxidase in the region of 830 nm based
upon studies of the cat model and the heads of neonates,
which he termed “transcranial spectroscopy.” He
further developed algorithms based upon fluorocar-
bon-perfused cat brain to give optical pathlengths that
were believed to be transferable to the neonate brain and
allow a deconvolution of blood volume and saturation
changes from those of cytochrome oxidase signals using
the full-length light algorithm. Delpy and co-workers
avidly followed the lead of Jobsis and developed a close
correlation between the decreased concentration of
oxyhemoglobin and the so-called copper signal in a
number of models, suggesting that the mitochondria in
tissues contained a low-affinity cytochrome oxidase and
responded to pO
(in a slice) in a way similar to that of
hemoglobin. However, isolation of rat brain mitochon-
dria failed to support this contention. Furthermore, the
freeze-trapped hypoxic brain failed to show the absorp-
tion band of reduced cytochrome c in mild hypoxic
stress that caused deoxygenated hemoglobin. In fact, the
absorption band of reduced cytochrome c was not
observed until the band of oxyhemoglobin was no
longer detectable, according to the work of Bashford.
While attempts were made to detect the copper
absorption band of hemoglobin in the NIR region,
animal studies showed that the fluorescence of NADH
and the flavoprotein could be used to detect anoxia in
the presence of hemoglobin, particularly when the ratio
of the fluorescent oxidized flavoprotein and the fluor-
escent reduced NADH were employed; this value was
relatively insensitive to the hemoglobin concentration.
In fact, further demonstrations showed that the fluor-
escence of NADH was unaffected by the deoxygenation
of hemoglobin in animal model brain. The NADH
fluorescence increased in hypoxia only when the
hemoglobin was already almost completely deoxyge-
nated. This observation suggests that measurements of
the critical pO
in hypoxia require accurate measure-
ment of extreme values of hemoglobin desaturation, at
the critical pO
for mitochondrial function.
Much interest in the NIR method is based upon Ogawa’s
finding that changes in deoxyhemoglobin concentration
(changes of the paramagnetic species of deoxyhemog-
lobin) enhanced water relaxation in the brain. This
opened up the field of study of the activation phenom-
enon in the human brain, in which changes in
deoxyhemoglobin levels are measured by NMR and by
NIR tissue spectroscopy. The MRI changes are precisely
imaged, while the NIR images, although crude, are
measures of the rapidity of the changes. But in addition
to incremental changes of deoxyhemoglobin, NIR could
measure the saturation value of hemoglobin, which, for
reasons involving Beer’s law, originates mainly from the
arteriolar/capillary/venolar bed. This feature, namely,
the value of local oxygen extraction due to incremental
changes of mitochondrial functional activity (i.e.,
localized activation), is not measured by MRI. The
two techniques are now widely accepted as indicative of
localized brain activation and have afforded the basis for
in-depth studies of visual and sensory motor function.
But, most importantly, NIR gives an excellent rendition
of prefrontal cortex (PFC) signals without the difficulty
of the large water content of the ocular system
encountered with NMR (Figure 5). The use of activation
images is appropriate to the NIR system, where baseline
values may be somewhat variable and difficult to
calibrate. The incremental changes of blood volume
measured as changes of total hemoglobin, together with
the aforementioned oxygen extraction measure, i.e.,
desaturation of hemoglobin, can be directly related
to local metabolic activity, opening up a new field of
NIR study of the semi-quantitative nature of the
hemoglobin signals.
NIR Imaging
While the above-mentioned studies used dual-wave-
length technology stemming from that of Glenn
Millikan, a completely new concept was introduced by
the discovery that photon migration through tissues can