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ıs j mota and guy r cornelis
cytoskeleton rearrangements resembling those induced by Salmonella in-
fection. Furthermore, SopE induces JNK activation, also in a Cdc42- and
Rac1-dependent manner (Hardt et al., 1998). SopE is absent from most
S. enterica subspecies I serovar Typhimurium strains, but a closely related
protein (SopE2) that is present in all Typhimurium strains was found to have
similar properties to SopE (Stender et al., 2000).
The SPI-1 TTSS effector SopB (also known as SigD) is an inositol phos-
phatase that is also able, by itself, to stimulate actin cytoskeleton rearrange-
ments and mediate bacterial entry (Zhou et al., 2001). SopB also induces
nuclear responses, mainly through the activation of JNK. Its ability to me-
diate bacterial entry is dependent on its phosphatase activity and requires
Cdc42, but not Rac1 (Zhou et al., 2001). The Cdc42-activating functions of
SopB are most likely the result of changes in phosphoinositide metabolism.
Salmonella infection of intestinal cells results in a marked increase in inositol
1,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5,6)P
] that is dependent on SopB (Norris
et al., 1998). Accordingly, purified SopB specifically desphosphorylates in-
ositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate [Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P
in vitro
(Zhou et al., 2001). How the SopB-mediated conversion of Ins(1,3,4,5,6)P
to Ins(1,4,5,6)P
activates Cdc42 is unknown (Figure 6.2). The process of
Salmonella entry is also modulated by two other SPI-1 TTSS substrates, SipA
and SipC, which directly modulate actin dynamics through binding to actin
an, 2001).
The actin cytoskeleton changes induced by Salmonella are reversible,
and after bacterial invasion the infected cells regain their normal architec-
ture (Gal
an, 2001). The SPI-1 type III effector SptP seems to actively par-
ticipate in this process. The SptP protein has a two-domain modular archi-
tecture. Accordingly, SptP possesses two distinct biochemical activities. The
amino-terminal shows GAP activity towards Cdc42 and Rac1 (Fu and Gal
1999), and the carboxyl-terminal domain exhibits tyrosine phosphatase activ-
ity (Kaniga et al., 1996). The rebuilding of the normal architecture of the host
cell actin cytoskeleton that follows Salmonella entry appears to be mediated
entirely by the GAP domain of SptP (Fu and Gal
an, 1999), which presumably
reverses the activation of RhoGTPases by SopE (Figure 6.2).
Thus, the concerted action of SopE and SptP promotes bacterial inter-
nalisation through the GEF activity of SopE, which is followed by the re-
establishment of the normal cytoskeleton architecture via the GAP activity of
SptP. The cellular basis for the implicit temporal regulation in SopE and SptP
activity has recently been shown to be due to differential host cell proteasome-
mediated degradation kinetics of these two type III effectors (Kubori and
an, 2003).