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052182091Xc05.xml CB786/Lax 0 521 82091 X November 4, 2005 1:37
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and endothelial cells
One factor that is very likely to be involved is the ability of VEGF to
induce immunodeficiency (Ohm and Carbone, 2001). VEGF synthesis by tu-
mors serves to enhance the blood supply to the tumor through angiogenesis,
but also the high levels of VEGF diminish the effectiveness of anti-tumor
immune responses. The tumor-like properties of the verruga have been of-
ten commented upon (Arias-Stella et al., 1987) and the lesions of bacillary
angiomatosis are pathologically very similar to Kaposi’s sarcoma, except that
Kaposi’s sarcoma cannot be cured with antibiotics. A recent case of B. henselae
infection was initially considered as a putative parotid gland tumor (Kempf
et al., 2001), and the differential diagnosis of cat-scratch disease can include
lymphoma, carcinoma, and neuroblastoma (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report, 2002).
Perhaps B. bacilliformis has taken advantage of the immunodeficiency-
inducing properties of VEGF in the establishment of the verruga. The com-
plete ramifications of this for understanding formation and persistence of
the verruga are certainly not clear, but a suggestive mechanism can be out-
lined. In part, immunosuppression may be exerted on mature cells as part
of an impairment in cell-mediated responses, and in part by inhibiting the
maturation of cells, especially dendritic cells. Immature dendritic cells take
up extracellular fluid by Rho family–dependent macropinocytosis at a rapid
rate, which they constitutively process for antigens (for a review see Nobes
and Marsh, 2000). Inflammatory stimuli, or bacterial components such as
LPS, terminate this passive sentinel activity and cause both downregulation
of macropinocytosis and dendritic cell maturation. Thus, the acquired anti-
gens are presented only if there is other evidence of active inflammation or
infection. If continued macropinocytosis prevents maturation, it may be that
a B. bacilliformis toxin can cause persistence of macropinocytosis through
Rho, Rac, and Cdc42. Perhaps more importantly, in dendritic cells, VEGF
has been shown to inhibit NF-κB activity, which results in impaired matu-
ration of dendritic cells (Gabrilovich et al., 1996; Oyama et al., 1998). NF-κB
is also activated in dendritic cells by various bacterial stimuli, including LPS
and TNFα, and for TNFα at least, VEGF has been shown to block NF-κB
activation (Oyama et al., 1998). It would appear that activation as well as mat-
uration is inhibited by VEGF. In fact, LPS augments synthesis and secretion
of VEGF in myocytes (Sugishita et al., 2000), so that bacterial production of
LPS may be capable of eliciting VEGF synthesis from nearby non-endothelial
cells, thus activating the endothelial cells. TNFα is also an important agent
for release of VEGF from various cell types.
On the other hand, LPS and TNFα can each also downregulate VEGF
receptor density on endothelial cells in a soluble CD14-dependent manner