Risk can generally be defined as a measure of a hazard’s significance involving
simultaneous examination of its consequence and probability of occurrence, and risk
assessment is the process that determines where a hazard will be located on a risk scale.
The risk scale can either be a continuous numerical scale or a discrete scale (risk matrix).
Risk assessment can generally be divided into qualitative and quantitative risk assessment.
With reference to Figure 10.4, the qua litative risk assessment involves the two first stages,
while the quantitative analysis is the last two stages. It is important to obtain quantitative
risk estimates in a FSA because such estimates can be used to see the effects of risk control
options/measures through the application of a cost-benefit analysis.
10.4. 1 Q ualitative Risk Assessment
The qualitative risk assessment involves the two first stages in Figure 10.4, i.e. to structure
logical relationshi ps as well as to structure and quantify influence diagrams. This includes
a structured an alysis of the hazard findings from the hazard identification step of the
FSA methodology.
The logical relationships underlying an accident may be constructed using fault trees
(also known as logical contribution trees). Considerable knowledge of and experience with
the system is needed in order to construct a meaningful fault tree. On a more preliminary
basis, cause and effect diagrams may be used in order to identify the potential causes of
an undesired outcome (i.e. effect) such as an accident. The International Maritime
Organization (IMO) prefers so-called risk profiles, which basically are simplified fault
trees, for the qualitative risk analysis. The common idea for both techniques is the
deduction of the underlying causes (and their relationship) of an accidental outcome, but
in comparison to a fault tree the risk profile is simpler becau se there are no logical gates
between the underlying causes. Risk profiles are deduced mainly from historical accidental
outcomes rather than from underlying causes/failures, which is the case for fault trees.
Figure 10.5 shows the risk profile for the accidental outcome of a collision. It is recom-
mended the common fault tree construction technique is applied instead of risk profiles
if a detailed analysis is performed/r equired.
Influence diagrams, i.e. stage 2 in Figure 10.4, are diagrams constructed to illustrate
the regime of factors that influence the risks in a system/activity. It is usual to distinguish
between regulatory influences, corporate policy influences, organizational influences,
operational influences, etc., and the influence diagrams are often interrelated in very
complicated patterns. Some factors influence the performance of a system directly
(e.g. organizational policies and implementation), while other factors are more underlying
influences. Some IMO regulations may be an example of the latter. A rough draft of an
influence diagram is given in Figure 10.6.
Influence diagrams have proved to be a powerful tool in establishing how the regulator
and the managing organization can influence both the likelihood and outcome of
accidents. The diagrams can be constructed as purely qualitative diagrams or they can
be quantified by assessing the current significance/importance of each influence. If it is
found to be possible to quantify the influence diagrams, this can provide a useful basis for
judging the effectiveness of the safety measures (or risk control options ) derived in step 3