219In situ deposition vapor monitoring
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2011
The CIG has seen extensive use in basic research over the past 45 years,
particularly for superconducting compounds (A-15 and high-temperature
superconducting cuprates) and for industrial optical coating on a large scale
(Hammond, 1975, 1978). As large-scale processes requiring electron beam
sources for their high rates become attractive, the knowledge and experience
of the unique control features needed for high rate are becoming important.
Initially after the introduction of the CIG the bearings in the motor and
chopper made the unit unreliable. However, the advent of modern high-
vacuum high-temperature greases have eliminated this issue.
The lessons learned from the use of the CIG can be valuable for controlling
processes involving high-rate multiple source co-evaporation, especially in
cases where at least one of the elements is a high melting point metal. This
knowledge can be applied to other rate monitors that sample individual
evaporation sources, either by collimation or by element specicity. Niobium
and similar transition metals are such an example where suitable crucibles
or liners are not available. The evaporation of such materials from a water-
cooled bare hearth by the electron beam heating of the surface results in a
rate, as measured at one point in space, having random uctuations in time.
The amplitude of the uctuations may be 50% of the rate, with frequency
components up to tens of Hz. The source of this variation is easily seen
upon looking at the molten source material using an optical lter (welding
glass): the large gradient in the temperature between the impact point of
the electron beam and the region in contact with the water-cooled copper
hearth produces violent convection turbulence in the molten material. The
brightest regions, which correspond to the regions with the highest rates of
evaporation, are seen to move around and change shape.
Co-condensation of atoms from two sources would, under the conditions
just described, produce an inhomogeneous composition. The CIG evaporation
rate monitors that were developed to solve the above problem are based
on the ionization gauge, with features to permit its use with electron beam
evaporation. The sensor has the Bayard–Alpert conguration, i.e., the
lament outside of the helical grid, and the collector inside. This permits
the majority of the evaporant to pass through the gauge without condensing
onto the elements of the gauge (the collector is offset from the center of
the grid axis, as is the collimated evaporant ux). Charged particles of both
signs are present in electron beam systems, and can cause erroneous signals
on the collector. Electric and magnetic stripping are used to mitigate this
issue. Small bar or horseshoe magnets usually are sufcient to deect the
electrons that are present at the energy corresponding to the high voltage
at the gun. The secondary electrons produced are captured by the electric
strippers with ±30 V. In order that the sensor be sensitive to the evaporant
ux only, and not to the background gas also, a mechanical wheel chopper
is used. The evaporant ux that enters the gauge is thus pulsed and phase